Submissions by ZacWatson tagged dancing

Revolution of dance is a rhythm game that follows the life of a king under pressure from revolution. In an attempt to please his subjects, the King is forced into performing various dances in time with the music in order to avoid the potential revolution. Intended to work in conjunction with motion devices (Kinect, PSMove, etc.) the game scores players depending on how well they dance. Players are scored on various aspects of their dance - grace, style, and force. Depending on which moves players perform, the public react differently. For example, a more forceful dance may result in less protest by the peasants, but discontent from the educated classes. A more graceful stance would impress the upper class, but convince the lower classes that you are 'out of touch'. A well conceived mix of dance styles and specific moves chained together is the way for a player to stay in power for as long as possible.

Features Include:

Modular dancing - players choose a series of moves they think work well and perform them.

Competitions - players challenge major dissenters to dance in order to unlock amazing moves.

Complete Control - As players win over their citizens, additional venues and moves become available.

Manipulate through dance - Players gain special bonuses depending on their relationships with demographics, making certain challenges easier or more exciting.

Image of Just Dance 3 - a similar dancing game.

(Image courtesy of