Submissions by ZacWatson tagged cube


Cube.Net involves manipulating a cube and its net in order to puzzle through levels. Players can deconstruct the cube into its 2-dimensional net - the pattern of squares - to traverse gaps or move through gaps. Players utilise this ability to switch between forms to solve puzzles and complete levels.

Core Mechanics

The focal mechanic in Cube.Net is expanding and retracting the cube.At any time, the player can target a square and the cube will unfold in that direction. The cube can slide at any point, with any piece of the Cube being free. Each level is completed once the full cube is present on the ending space. Functioning in real time, players move their cube around in the environment by rolling it on its sides. As players shift and change their cube, they can reassemble their cube at any point in the net. This allows the cube to move along the ground, around corners, and even up and over small walls. The cube also interacts with the environment - moving the cube onto a lift will make it rise up, and can allow the player to move over walls.

Puzzle Design

The puzzles within Cube.Net revolve primarily around grid-based movement, and also incorporate elements of physics and problem-solving. Puzzle design of course revolves around the cube, but additional mechanics (such as moving up walls) are introduced progressively, ensuring players aren't instantly overwhelmed. Puzzles can be completed using any of the many inherent mechanics of the cube, and new techniques players are taught in later levels may also be applied to earlier levels to offer players a different way to solve them.

An example of the net. In this case, the player could reassemble the cube at any of the pieces of the net.