Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged supernatural

Imagine monsters where real and that they roamed the world but most people just don't notice them because they don't think they should be there. People are only aware that the monsters exist if they have seen them as a child before society has had a chance to convince them that they don't exist. You are one of the few people who knows that they are real and that can do something about them.

The game is set in the modern day world in Europe with all current technology available to the player to help find and kill the monsters.

As the player progresses through the game they will be able to level their stats so that the more they run the better they become, the more they research monsters before a hunt the better at gaining information they will become etc.

The game will progress in a similar manner to games like the Elder scrolls series with a final goal and many side quests available within the world. The player can be killed by monsters or in some cases be changed into a monster. Death would require a rest to last save, but transformation means the character can choose to go back to last save or carry on as a monster hunting down other monsters this would change some of their stats and restrictions.

Weeping Angels

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