Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged side-scroller

VacsAttack is a 2D side scrolling game in which you need to rescue children so that they can be vaccinated.

The game play is similar to that of Broforce. You travel through the levels firing varying "guns" at the anti-vaccers and freeing the children all the while trying to correct the misconceptions of vaccinations by spreading pamphlets.

Your "guns" fire anti-viral drugs, peer reviewed articles and vaccination needles at the enemy thereby defeating them. The most powerful weapon is the knowledge bomb. This can be used to take out large areas of the each level.

Powerups come in the form of vaccinations making you more resistant to the diseases of the anti-vaccers. As you play through you can unlock different character appearances such as Bill Nye and Penn Jillette.

The main bosses for each section will be those people most noted as part of the anti-vaccer movement Donald Trump, Jenny McCarthy.

Knowledge Bomb Icon

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