Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged physics-based

You are a tiny dust particle trying to make your way to the great dirt. To do this you need to travel a great distance without touching the ground and becoming stuck.

To reach the great dirt the player will need to sling shot around objects using their gravity to through themselves further along towards their target. As the player progresses through the levels the distance they need to travel to reach the great dust will increase and so will the difficulty of orbiting objects. The objects will become smaller or further apart or start to move (people and pets) the larger the objects the faster the player will travel when they leave orbit around the object.

The controls will very simple needing only the ability for the player to move left and right to turn into and out of orbit around objects. They will have to compete against the orbit pulling them into far and crashing into the object which will be a lose, or being flung out before they wanted possible heading off in the wrong direction.

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