Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged open-world

Champion is an open world RPG in which you play as a viking warrior trying to make a name for themselves.

The game starts with the player as a level 1 viking the player will choose the God that wish to follow as well as the warrior type they wish to be: Swordsmen, Axemen, Archer, Berserker, Spear-man.

As the player progresses through the game completing missions and leveling up they will unlock new skills and abilities relating to the class they chose at the start as well as the God they chose to follow. They will also start to gain missions from their God to go on missions in their name to bring more people to follow them as their patron God.

The game follows a linear story line much like the Elder scrolls, Neverwinter nights and Baulders Gate series'. The final chapter of the game is the player having to rescue their chosen God from capture by that Gods rival who has gotten concerned/jealous of their influence.


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