Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged flying

The game is a sports game/ flight simulator. You are a base jumper/skydiver wearing a wing suit. Like similar other single person sport games the game consists of racing along set tracks and completing certain challenges.

- Travel Distance

-Speed Trial

- Course with objects to go around or through

-Trick Course

As you play through the game you can unlock better versions of the wing suit that allow better travel distances or better maneuverability.

The game starts with the player entering into fairly easy competitions with basic instructions coming up (tutorial) to show them how the game is played. In single player mode the player can then progress through the game with the A.I controlling the competitors getting better and the courses getting more complex.

Due to the nature of the sport collisions will result in a reset of the race after several of these have occurred the option to skip the race will be given and the player will be given the minimal points for the race.

A two player mode will also be available so that people ca play against their friends at home without requiring everyone to get a copy of the game.

Wingsuit Flying

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