Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged day12

Actual Escape is survival horror game in which you play the victim of a kidnapping attempting to escape from you captor an actual cannibal.

The total game play would be fairly short and simple the player has to attempt to escape from the basement in which they are being held without arousing the suspicions of their captor. Getting out of the house is just the first part of the game once out of the house the player must their way through the woods surrounding the house.

The player however is unable to run, due to injury during capture, and can only move at a moderate jog for short periods. Once into the woods there are areas where the player will come across the stuffed remains of previous victims who have been taxidermied and posed around the woods.

After a short period in which the player can try to get a head start their captor will start to hunt for them again using a crossbow. This means that bolts can appear in front of the player with very little noise preceding them.

The players goal is to reach a road and get a lift from a passing car or reach some other area with transport such as a wharf.

Inspired by this video:

#dark #truck #woods #forest #road #creepy #scary: Whimsical Wood, Creepy Wood, Dark Trucks, Dark Wood, Quotey Stuff, Dark Fall, Forests Roads, Eerie Forests, Into The Wood

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