Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged day1

The game is based around creating Frankenstein like monsters. Building the monsters from different body parts and limbs all with different strengths and weaknesses, as well as being able to graft on weapons instead of limbs making their monsters even more deadly. Using a different formats for different competition types:

- weight classes similar to those found in boxing

- points total meaning characters can build wildly varying monsters and see which ones are better

- base body type this can vary between two legged, four legged etc

- challenge modes were the players a given a task that they need to complete the fastest

These monstrous creations can then be sent into arenas to battle it out.

During battle the players switch to a first person perspective and can then control their creations in brutal combat, trying to dismember the opponent's monster first without taking to much damage themselves. Victories can bring increased rank which unlocks further body parts to construct their monsters.


Image credit :

Creature originally from World of Warcraft.