Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
In search of the warmth is a third person open world adventure, mystery, tactical melee combat action, story driven rpg game.
Set in a previously near future world where a great calamity, a macabre disaster covered every part of the immediate world as the main character knows, which caused unexplained, cosmic and seemingly magical beings to set foot and roam the earth.
The player sees the world through the eyes and hears the stories through the mouths of Geralt, a living skeleton who opened his visions in a deep forest behind a centuries old castle.
In Geralt's visions, what you will see is that everything is dull and dead, despite them moving and thinking, it doesnt give the impression of life, emotion, something of a sentient.
Geralt, however, notices a tingle of unspeakable feeling inside of him when he looked at particular things that resemble warmth, life and something of the old ages before the calamity, and when he looks at the dull views of anywhere he sees, feeling in his hollow chest, behind the jail of ribs.
Geralt, not being able to identify what this thing is, he sets foot to journey his way to find something that will acknowledge him of what he seeks.
So Geralt travels to find warmth, to find life. Early during his travel, he hears of the last life remaining in this barren world.
The last child, the last seed, so now he has a proper destination of his journey.
Follow him to discover stories, solve mysteries, puzzles and battle overwhelming beings.
hey maybe he's like the skull knight from berserk.
source; berserk manga
third person rpg game.
Youre a special kind of hunter, searching for dead titans bodies and extracting its yet alive contents for massive sums of money, because titants are immortal in a sense that their most powerful parts still live and contain its powers after the death of the titant, in hopes to be forgiven by the gods they angered, and to be give a second life.
Your goal, or dream is to find the legendary titan of gold and blue, and to get his heart.
it's basically set in a fantasy medieval time like the witcher series.
since titans, real titans were powerful and big enough to go against the greek gods, when they die, all kinds of animals, beings and predators, dangerous beings and other sentient beings gather for their own purposes.
first you have to locate the grave of a titan, and you have to guide through these dangers and reach the corpse of titan.
For small titan, you could just extract things straight away but for real big ones, the legendary ones, most of time their corpses make mountains, and dungeons. For these, you have to go through the dungeons/ climb the mountain to acquire what you desire.
Each time you find a dead titan, you can decide which part you want to take, once a number of vital parts are taken, the remaining powers start to react and turn into dust. Depending on the part you take, you can consume it to upgrade your powers.
If you took a titans heart for example, you would gain stamina, health, power etc.
pentacycle is a bike with five wheels, five handles, and five seats.
It's basically five unicycles with handles attached together!
It's a ten player third person shooter.
five vs five pvp game.
At the start, the players call different roles they want on the pentacycle, like role calling on LoL
theres are roles such as;
driver; decides the direction pentacycle goes.
ranger; wields a weapon on the pentacycle
tank; somehow tries to protects the pentacycle
support; guess what, this supports supports other roles.
Booster; can do multiple other things, but generally used to boost the pentacycles speed and power.
leader; can do multiple other things, but generally oversees the whole pentacycle and gives right decisions.
bob the builder; small character, can move around on the pentacycle to repair and fix parts, or upgrade them.
There can be multiple of the same roles on a pentacycle, also the positioning can change to whatever the players decide on.
different combinations of roles and orders of the roles will yield different results. So players can get their strategies.
At the start of a round, the two opposing pentacycles spawns at the opposite ends of a big room, or wahtever map they're on.
There are numerous different upgrades scattered around the room, so they pick them up and use them to take down the enemy pentacycle.
each player takes damage separately, also the pentacycle takes damage separately on its parts.
pentacycle is a third person board game where a unicorn headed man rides around on a pentacycle on a board.
So Unicorn man, or manicorn, isnt really getting anywhere on his own but the board is on top of a really, really, big baby.
and unimancorn has a minigun mounted on top of the pentacycle.
the board is big enough to cover the baby from mancorn's line of sight.
This is a two player game, online or lan or whatever is good. Both the baby and the Unicman are playable, in fact, one player controls the manunicorn and the other player controls the giant baby.
AND THe objective is to kill eachother.
since the baby's arms are chub fat next level obesity and short, he cannot reach or damage the manicorn directly, and its the same for the manicorn, he cannot damage the baby directly. So,
they start in the middle of a room, and the room is full of possibly dangerous, deadly objects such as shelves stacked with longswords and maces, and on the floor, bathtubs full of bleach.
For example the baby player can run into a wall toe befall the shelf onto the manicorn.
The manicorn player can shoot the bathtub full of bleach when baby gets close, to burn the baby.
the baby decides where to move, and the manicorn has advantage in ranged interactions.
So theres this planet, this planet called earth, and the problem is, everything is messed up!
EVERYTHING is out of balance, i mean well that way its creating a kind of weird balance but anyway the planet will die soon due to unbalance if it is left alone.
Well for example on earth, humans are much too powerful, much, much too powerful to keep a balanced and sustainable planet.
Sooooo you're here to balance things out, with numbers of course. Just like what we did on thursday!
But the thing is you cant just click on the entire human race and reduce their numbers or make them dumb.
You have to really plan it. The most you can change is eg. An area's army's tanks mobility, power etc.
If youre looking to reduce human population, you have to tweak these little things, and create unbalance between humans rather than inter species wise, to create conflict between people and countries, and raise war, or some things in order to decrease the human population to balance it out with other animals, in turn balancing the planet and stabilising it.
One time, you had a significant other that you liked, one time you were messaging that person,
you sent
a really
reeaaally bad message
and it ruined everything for you
because of the pain, you shriveled up into a pure data and now reside within the internet.
Your mission is to stop life ruining mistake messages from going through, or alter them so they're okay to be sent.
In the game, you'll be sent to a window resembling text/facebook chat between two people, and you have to fix the right side's messages so the conversation doesnt go boring or go horribly wrong.
The right side's texts will pop up, and you have a certain length of time according to how long the text is, to fix the message.
The AI on the left will judge your messages and if your messages are cringe or bad or anything, the game wont end but just stop at the left AI seen'ing you or replying with a "." or a "lol" etc.
This game is about making everything the cliche way.
Played like an old dating sim way, quarter view, move character around and interact with other npcs and objects, in conversations, choose the dialogue you want, etc.
At the start of the game, the player gets to go around and explore the village, and at one point when he is resting under a tree on a hill, the tree crushes inwards and pulls the character in, and thats where you find the book of cliche'. It tells you that if you follow all the instructions and achieve everything listed, you will be granted immeasurable power.
So now you set out on a journey to gather power.
You have to lead your character to make the game follow the most cliche'd story you can think of.
There will be bullet points, achievements and things to do and where you might want to go listed and gathered in the book of cliche'
So you have to click the cliche dialoges, cliche turn outs, cliche stories etc.
Third person open world rpg. Serious subjects, comedic adventure.
To be in the light is a game where you watch the world as a vampire named Alfred, he has a human girl he loves and he desires to dance with her under warm sunlight on a field of green. To know what she loves so much.
But as you all know, vampires are beings of the shadows, innately harboring shadows in their souls, their body will turn into ashes and be swept away to thin air under sunlight.
Alfred, even with knowledge of this, longed to be under light with his lover and studied the wizardry, arts, crafts, old legends and everything he could find. At one point you find out that higher class demons can negate the effect of sunlight.
So now begins your journey to become stronger to the point where you can run around in sunlight with a dress and a picnic basket.
Hopefully things will go well!
make da kudos is a VR game about making kudos bars.
You're not really sure how to make it but you just have to find out. The only hint you have is a picture of the kudos bars.
From the start of the game, with only the picture of the kudos bars, you have to find a way to make them.
By only picture, I mean only the picture, you dont have a home, you dont have clothes, you dont have food or money.
ok wait maybe math coz school teaches that
Anyway, you have to find boxes to sleep in, find a job, and work and get a home, and do business, make more money, work hard, get enough money to buy an oven or other cooking necessities and find ingredients for kudos and experiment!
experiment, try, and make hundreds of different attempted kudos before you really make the right one. While trying out and finding hints as to the recipe of the perfect kudos, you'll encounter murder mysteries, people conflicts and at times need a lot of money for the special ingredients. Maybe the perfect kudos at the end is for yourself.
and well, you dont really have to go the bright right way of earning money, you can steal and take, and become a crime lord. Just get the kudos done.
Third person, action, pretty much dark souls.
You play as a knight, a mere nameless knight in the world of towering knights, giants and gods.
You have been travelling for centuries befalling demons, dark creatures and dragons, helping anyone in need, you alone know that you're the knight with the feat of four thousand dragon heads.
One day you reach the far north of the midgard and hear the story of the devil who has the skyfather odin's daughter, the princess imprisoned in his castle for the past eons. So you set out to do the good, in front of the castle, the graveyard of swords, stench of macabre. You will meet the devil in a knight's form.
After a long and vigorous battle and miraculous turns of happenings, you will emerge victorious and with your broken body, you will enter the castle and in the center, you will see the princess, deep asleep in a seal. She is the most beautiful thing, girl you have ever laid your eyes upon, and you immediately fall in love with her.
Now you, you don't want anyone to take her away from you. While watching her, a mask forms over your head and slides down onto your face. The mask of the devil you defeated. You now become the devil, the devil king and kill any knights and heroes setting foot on castle grounds. A century have passed, and you are there doing the same thing, at the same place, guarding the princess.
One day in a dream you see Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, and she tells you to touch the seal thats enveloping the princess.
When you touch the seal, centuries of information, stories and godly secrets flowed into your memories, then you knew that the princess is Odin's creation, a representation, an embodiment of his own sins and desires which he locked in the princess's body and put away, and that he is constantly tweaking the fate of knights to create another nameless knight, to defeat you and in turn take your place, so the chain of destiny continues and Odin's sins can be kept hidden and guarded by the devil himself.
So you set a plan, and wait for the nameless knight to appear before you. When he does, you do everything in your power to convince the knight and tell him about what is happening, after exchanging fatal wounds, the knight finally listens to you, and you show him the princess. So you two decide to barge into Asgard and question Odin of his doings, and to break the chain of destiny.
maybe the knight looks like moon knight!
This game will be like journey, abzu, bound, etc, yep the mainstream over referenced games.
Calming music, nice environment and all
The game's objective or really just underlining motive/general guideline is to leave traces of you, hints and indications that you were there, that you journeyed past this place, and tell your story through it to the people who have yet to come.
Do something creative, anything that works, to leave a trace that another sentient being was there, for other humans or sentient beings for yourself to notice, read and realise your existence, your journey and your story.
The game will have general direction guides, but you're free to explore and travel anywhere you feel like, and depending on your location or course, new paths will be set for you. through the paths you take, the things you do while journeying, the way your leave traces, it'll tell stories to the people who will set their eyes upon your traces, your children.
This world is your book and you're the writer.
The traces can be anything like wall carvings, sculpture etc
tbh idk what im talking about but the idea is cool
stonehenge! source :
Spidaaa is an open world dating sim action thriller stealth third person shooter alien invasion game where you play as a pertty woman who was bitten by a spider so you now have some aspects of spiders.
So your objective is to gain power thorough eating your loved ones.
First you have to find suitable male and talk, and do the usual dating sim things and later marry them, and have a kmmph something at night.
and after that is when the second half of the game starts
thats the spider part you received.
You dont have any spider sense or super power so you really have to be careful, otherwise you might die or get caught.
wherever you are, you have to set up traps and try to immobilize/assassinate the target male--- and then eat up.
and repeat to gain more powers, the difficulty will rise as youll need stronger/smarter food.
So its a mix of dating sim and stealth game.
warning spider image source;
One friday morning you got so drunk that you invited all your friends for a eckin party at your place! ...and then you fell asleep
You got up from your bed at 9pm with the sound of heavy music, hungover but you had an idea of what you've done and the likely consequences of it.
This is a virtual reality game in which the player has to stop all his/her friends partying and breaking down his house, strike them with a bat, throw spears and dishes at them and kick them out. Just stop them from possibly destroying your entire house.
Because youre hungover and still slightly drunk, what people call drunkover, and everyone in the party is drunk, EVERYTHING in game is ragdoll. Your fridge might jump on your and bend itself, idek.
When you're not defending yourself, your friends will come to you and force you to drink like any other parties, so the more they hit/gives you drinks, the more you get drunk and the worse the shaky vision, hard controls and ragdoll effects will become.
Just kick them outta yer house, Killing the DJ will do a hefty job.
This is a first person view virtual reality game where the objective is solve any kinds of problems using communication, and 2. Learning and practicing communication.
The player will have motion sensor cameras reading his/her face, there will be a mic and of course, both hands controllers. Would be amazing to have something like the virtuix omni gaming treadmill for the feet too.
Anyway, in game the player will be put in wide variety of situations with problems, and the player has to talk things out. It could be a sue in court, cowboy standoff, bar fight 101, fantasy kings' gathering, scifi debate etc. Any kind and the player might be the one at the end of a pistol, or stopping a fight between two factions or trying to save someone whos precious to him, yep.
Before the start the player will be given relevant information according to the world and the situation, the player can study it and plan out his/her arguments or possible solutions and important informations etc.
When the game starts, player has to decide when he talks depending on the situation and when the player does, and even when he isnt talking, the camera, the controls and the treadmill will read every player action or inaction and the game will turn out accordingly, judging the player by everything.
Like in real conversations, talks and diplomatic whatever, the player will have to have appropriate body posture, hand gestures and facial expressions, they are tremendous to win the game. Also well, last but the most important, the talk, through the mic the game will read the player's talking and decode it into text and input it in the system, calculating how effective it will be and the opposing talker npc will say things according to what the player said.
The player will win by using the collective of appropriate body gestures, good facial expressions and the right talks. This will help many people become good at talks and diplomacy etc.
Surely wont be possible with the current technology, but in near future when a proper conversation can be had with an artificial intelligence, this will be a great game.
im not sure if this can be called a game but;
Life? Is a community game where the players go on it to submit anonymous written diaries/journals everyday, or any kind of thoughts they're having.
Anyone can freely view this, and what makes it a game is that for example anyone can read all the diaries and thoughts of player A, and a random player B who read all, will start writing a hypothesis/guesses of who player A is, what kind of life he's going through, just some thoughts and at the end, give advice/predict the future player A is going to run into, or just life advice, food for thought etc.
Player A will review this and rate how accurate/good it was, and now Player A has to do review one person. A player can go through up to 5 people a day just to keep things healthy.
Also, people can just read and not do the writing, may be therapeutic for some people going through hardships in life and have no one to rely on.
Depending on the stars/ratings, you'll get ranked and later might even play competitively?
some cool image to go with the kinda weird idea!
Tag along is basically snake made into a board game!
This game can be played by two or up to 8 players.
Tag Along is about taking enemies' points until the opponent has no more left, and you win!
If played with eight players, at the start of the game, four players pieces will start at the middle of the four edges, and other four will spawn at the middle point of the first four players. Each player can move their piece by rolling a dice and moving that much on the blocks.
every piece has a direction to them, if a player's piece stands on an adjacent block to another piece, he now has the control over that piece, or if his piece met another piece infront of that piece, they would have to either roll a dice or do paper scissors rock to see who wins and the winner takes over control, the one who has been taken in, can decide whether to try and get out or not, if they do want independence back, they can roll a dice and if 6 rolls, they are freed. Anyway, as the game goes, the game ill turn into two groups, or rather, two players with all the other players attached to their back. They duke it out and when a piece hits the side of a long group, the piece that has been hit and the other pieces on the back of it will break off and move and stick to the back of the attacker, and so on
like snake game
Copya is a board game, divided in four separate areas of the board, either triangles or squares will do.
in the middle of the board is a black curtain which stops anyone from peeking other players boards.
There are six pieces for every player, and one of the pieces is the king piece.
player 1, his turn, he moves all the pieces and when he's done, he calls out the location for three of his pieces.
One for his king piece, one for a piece thats adjacent to the king piece, and one for a piece thats horizontal or vertically in line with the king piece and another one for a piece that's diagonally in line with the king piece.
The next player, player 2. Has to guess where the player 1's king piece is, and move his pieces to catch the king.
While also moving his other pieces along with his king piece, the king piece has to be adjacent to a piece and in line with another piece.
He calls out the locations, and player 3 moves, player 4 moves and player 1 moves according to player 4
When a player thinks one of his piece is on the same location as the previous player's king piece, he can call it and open the curtain/wall between them, and if the player who called it is right, the one who got caught gives a piece to the player who won.
When someone loses the third piece out of the five excluding the king piece, he is out of the game.
not relevant chess pieces
Tower of Asgaroth is a... board game?
Tower of Asgaroth is set up by stacking six flat blocks on top of each other to make a tower.
each blocks walls are thin with holes and the inside is empty. When the tower is set up, four players sit around the tower with their own walls.
Each player gets five pieces, with short sticks at the bottom for them to stick into the holes on the tower.
The objective of the game is to get all five pieces over the tower and into the middle.
So to do that, each player gets two movement points every turn and they can use it however they want.
when a player finished moving his turn, a player at the opposite side, holds up a long stick and shoves it thorough one of the holes on his wall, and it gets through to the other side and if lucky, it pushes out a piece of the player who just finished the turn.
Fallen pieces need to climb again.
image to illustrate a little of how it would work:
(edit after a month: I uploaded my drawing through my phone but its coming up with an x-box so ill just put a photo of a tower)
Escape the mazes is a 1v1 board game played in multiple short rounds.
The board is 10x20, divided in two 10x10 boards by a line in the middle. These separate boards are each players play area.
the players start with four pieces on the four corners of their 10x10 boards, the objective is to get to the middle square of the board first.
the game starts with the players holding four cards in hand, and is played in turns and every turn, each player gets to move all four pieces one square, and use two cards and draw two from the middle deck to refill. Or sacrifice a card to gain one move power(to move a piece one square).
The cards include things like:
wall; place 3x1 wall on enemies territory
lightning; stun and immobilize an enemy piece for one turn
kinesis; push an enemy piece one square.
destroy; destroy a wall.
deplete magic; place a 1x1 totem, if any of the enemy pieces are around the 2x2 totem area, the enemy can only use one card.
swamp; creates a 2x2 swamp square that if an enemy piece is on it, enemy's move points drop by 1
and trap cards which you put face down upon usage until its activated.
mirror mirror!@!@; if an enemy piece's location is same as your piece, you can move that enemy piece to the location of any one of your pieces.
cleanse; if an enemy stays in totem area for four turns, lifts all visible spells off your board
destruction; if an enemy stays in swamp for four turns, destroys all walls on your board.
Also there are trap tokens for spells that only activate when the enemy steps on that token,
you can identify a tokens link to the face down trap card by reading the number on the trap token and the order your trap card is in.
examples would be
bear trap; immobilise the enemy piece for one turn
fake traps; put this card down like a trap card, and place a trap token on enemys board.
sand pit; when stepped on, replace with a 3x3 sand pit token which drags an enemy piece to the middle one space every turn for three turns.
most common cards will be the wall cards.
possible features; mana tokens gain either every turn or with spells, used for big spells, trap tokens that confuses the enemy, players champion card abilities.
The game might look similar to bloons td battles.
td battles was so fun oh damn
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watafol is a survival board game with cards in which the rectangular or square board is right before a waterfall, and all the players pieces are being swept to the edge of the board which represents the waterfall, and death, when a player touches the waterfall, he is out of the game.
so at the start, all pieces are at the far end of the board from the waterfall edge.
Every turn all players moves a space towards the waterfall.
and every turn, players can take an action, either move one space or use a card.
Thats where cards come in yes, each player starts with two cards and everytime they use a card, they can take one from the deck.
Four categories of cards; offensive, defensive, displacement, hibernating.
Offensive cards might include; stun a player for one turn, push a player back two spaces, create a 3x1 inhabitable space that blocks player movement and pushes them back, move a player back one space and you advance one space.
defensive; shield from all spells, create a 1x1 block under you which frees you from the current for a few turns,
displacement; jump three spaces, swap locations with another player, create a column of faster current
hibernating; if someone uses an attack card on you, reflect it to them, jumps three spaces forward right before falling down the waterfall.
also some cards cost your spaces in turn for big spells, yep you get the idea.
slightly theme relevant waterfall:
Its a simple card game between any number of people, but preferably 4 to 6
the game has the number of players +2 number of turns.
So everyone starts with shuffled three cards, and theres player number +1 number of treasure cards mixed in the deck.
Now everyone needs to give one card to the left person and receive one from the right.
The game ends when someone has either three consecutive or same cards and decides to call end.
Or when the turns ends with the number of players +2.
Now when the game has finished, player/s with two treasure cards win as first class, and player/s with three treasure cards die, they become the last on the class and ranks.
Players with one treasure card are second class and for people with no treasure cards are in the third class, the total of the numbers of the cards they have determine their ranks, the higher the total the higher on the rank.
For first and second class players also, there are numbers on the treasure cards, and the total of those numbers determine your rank in your class.
*Not played with poker cards but just for the images sake;
Image source:
Alchemists is a board game for 4 players.
Board is a square with an alchemy transmutation circle in the middle, the four corners are used for the four players to put down their cards.
At the edge of the transmutation circle, infront of each corners of the board, there are player starting points as small circles to put each players alchemists on, and lines connect these circles to the center circle in spiraling manner. On each of the lines between the starting circles and the center circle, there will be four more small circles and those are the places the player can stop their pieces on. Also, each of the milestone stops (the in-between stops), are connected with many oval lines and circles, to other stops.
Theres a philosophers stone, or midas' hand in the middle or so, so the player who gets to the center first wins.
In each turn a player either can either decide to move to the closest circle of whichever line they're on, or take an action.
and action is:
At the start, each player gets two cards, and these cards state their abilities, and they might include something like;
switfness; move two spaces
kinesis; push another player back a space
teleportation; change locations with another player
silence; disable another players ability,
shape shifter; shuffle through the abilities deck and change your ability
clairvoyance; spy on an ability of another player
Also some abilities block the use of other abilities from different players.
such as silence blocks the use of swiftness, teleportation blocks the use of shape shifting, etc
the catch is that you can lie about your abilities you got from cards, and someone can call lies on you and you have to reveal your card.
If the one who called it a lie is right, you lose your ability, if that person is wrong, that person loses a card.
And there you go, you need to get to the center!
completely different from the image of the transmutation circle board Im thinking of but here you go
Sandwich makers unite to defeat a big world threatening monster111!!!
Open world mmorpg sandwitches!
So in this game, players have to team up and work together to make the best sandwich ever.
Because the best sandwich will be the one which will be fed to the very bad dark dragon and make him go to sleep.
Everything in this game is food themed, but players can only make sandwiches, dumb! But thats how it is. Deal with it.
Hack and slash game, but instead of hacking monsters, you spam keys that make sandwiches.
so for example you have a skill called "Top bread" and you spam it until the sandwiches guage fills and you put a top bread on it. something like that, and at then end it is presented to the judges/monsters and you get reward for it.
There are different classes In this game,
baker, sauce maker, butcher, vege person, sandwich builder etc!
and each class has two different paths, gourmet and people. Gourmet you can only produce little ingredients but the quality is over the top, people path, you create a load of alright ingredients. You have to choose a path thatll suit ya.
Anyway, in battle(sandwich making) Baker needs to use right skills to make the right bread for the sandwich, different combinations, orders and skills and used ingredients for different breads, and same for other classes.
and at the end the builder puts everything together.
Its basically subway
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This is a game where alfred, the kid who controls shadows and wants to rid them from the world, is the character youre playing as.
He's been told by the lights that the lights created shadows by mistake and that the shadows must be purged, so as a faithful believer of light, he follows their order.
In this 2d sidescroller puzzle game, You must follow alfred's journey and guide him through his path. This game is played in rounds/missions and the aim of each round is to rid of all the shadows in the round.
The main mechanic is that there are things called shadow beings in some shadows and Alfred can lead them to move through light and move to different shadows, and can order them once he's earned their trust. So alfred could move a shadow being from a sphere on the left of the screen, to shadow of the sphere on the right of the screen which is on a higher ground, and then run to trap door handle, switch control to the shadow being and push the sphere off to the left, the sphere moves and the shadow being disappears in the light, the sphere rolls and hits the left sphere, they roll together to the right, and then you open the trap door and both spheres move off the screen, now theres no shadow and youve won.
Later as the game progresses, youll have to listen and talk to shadow beings and solve their mysteries, murder mysteries between the shadow beings and all, and choose wisely. yap.
image source:
Arrive home at 9pm, have dinner, exercise, face the usual life problems, get it sorted, and its 12pm!
and now I have to make a game idea and wake up at 6am only to be late to class again.
This is just lovely.
In my never-going-to-happen hopes and dreams, I wish i could extend the time of the day, or just move and process thoughts much much faster so i could get things done.
Time of Prayers is an RTS game like starcraft, but a spin here is that you all know how actions per minute(apm) is the measure of how rapidly the player can control things in rts games, especially starcraft. In Time of Prayers, the player can slow down time for a short length, and in that moment the player can execute tens of actions and when the time catches up to normal, all the actions will work in a blink of an eye, maybe raising a tower, maybe annihilating the enemy outpost.
But considering this, the enemies numbers will be overwhelming and their technology and power towering, so it wont be easy.
in pvp, time pause will freeze the enemy players command for the time, it could lead to some funny outcomes.
and this way someone can achieve amazing tactics with the sky soaring apm, despite the fact that with this mechanic it woudlnt count as apm...
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daily from
Best streak: 46, Completion: 88%