Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Turns out I was really close to figuring out my issue with the new callable functions. I also confirmed there is not an easy way to test without deploying but the firebase team is working on it..
Also, I was able to complete 2 katas on
Struggled tonight with the new callable functions. I need to figure out how to serve it locally because the deployed functions don't give much debugging help. Maybe I can give this a try next time:
I didn't directly work on my game but I did confirm that the new firebase https callable functions do not support local emulation. I hope this gets addressed soon because it means you have to deploy it before you can test it which will definitely see down development.
Also I watched JavaScript30 episodes 19 & 20.
I added Vuex to my my VueJS app. Now to figure out how best to encapsulate the firebase SDK library from the rest of my code. If I can't figure it out easily, I'm just going do what is in this SO article.
Two minor accomplishments:
I was accepted into the Visual Code Live Share Preview so I was able to install the vscode extension and activate it. Hoping to schedule a "share" soon, only the host needs to be accepted to the preview.
I was able to successfully deploy a test Firebase Callable HTTPS Function and call it from my web app. I think this will be a better option than embedding Node/Express inside Firebase Functions because the SDK handles a lot of the work.
Wednesday night basketball didn't leave me much time or energy for my side project. But I was able to upgrade my firebase functions project to the new v1.0 release and test that my two Rest APIs still work. Because my functions are pretty basic all I only had to update a few packages and change 1 line of code.
Now its time to try to stay awake to watch Project 19 of
Spent tonight using CSS Grid and Flexbox to layout my component. Went better than using Vuetify's built in layout stuff (too much magic behind the scenes) but it took way longer than I would have liked. Shows that I need to focus my time on learning CSS. I've been wanting to go through this series on CSS Grid from Wes Bos, maybe should get started on it:
Also, Firebase Cloud Functions v1.0 released today, the new Callable HTTPS function appears similar to my rest api but easier. I'm going to have to check that out, it might speed development up on the server side.
Made another attempt at using the vuetify layout components. Got really close to getting the alignments I'm looking for but not all the way and it a lot harder than just using css grid and flexbox manually. I just need to let this go and do what I said last night: " I think I will use vuetify for the global layout and then do my own thing for the components."
On the plus side, I was able to figure out how to force 2 space indenting for all .vue files by putting this in your User Settings:
"[vue]": {
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.tabSize": 2
For some reason the files created by vue-cli used 2 spaces but any file I created would use 4.
Tried to recreate my crude css grid layout with vuetify's grid system. I finally was able to get the general layout but it was a struggle. I think I will use vuetify for the global layout and then do my own thing for the components.
The icons ( that vuetify uses are pretty cool.
Played around with Vuetify and was able to bring some of my existing components into the project. So far I have a title-bar with a link in it that goes to the spelling list. Not worth a screenshot yet.
I've been working on this for a while though I don't have much to show because I have been prototyping patterns. The basic tech stack is:
Today I experimented with the new vue-cli v3 (beta). Had some issues getting it work with powershell and nvm but I have decided to stay with v2 of the cli. The structure for v3 is quite a bit different and while there are a lot docs not everything is explained yet. v3 is definitely going to be awesome with its plugin system.
So dropping back to vue-cli v2, I generated a new project using the vuetify webpack template. I was previously using element ui for components and layout but I'm looking forward this change, vuetify really looks great and is packed with features.
Finally got some free time. First I had to overcome switching to Windows 10, which forced me to uninstall and then reinstall Unity. The reinstall of Unity ended up being a new version too. With that out of the way, I was able to close out 2 more tasks.
Bounced around a bit tonight but was pleased with the out come.
Now that I have the audio system in place, it was easy to add more sound effects into the game. In the long run I plan to record most of these sounds myself but in the short term it was fun to have these new sounds into the game. Here are the sounds I ended up using:
I also installed Audacity for future sound creation.
P.S. The card mismatch sound is awful, way to abrasive.
I took FussenKuh's advice and with one slight change I how have a nice-ish integration of AudioToolkit into my game. I was also able to find a decent sound file to use for my button clicks and card turns. One more issue down towards my milestone.
Minor progress over the last few days, finally enough to post about. I identified two different free audio controller packages in the Unity Asset Store and decided that the Audio Toolkit looked slightly better. Plus FussenKuh has successfully used it in the past. I was able to get it imported into my project and was able to successfully play a sound that I triggered from a UI Button click that called a script function I wrote that in turn called the Audio Toolkit play function. Seems like I should be able to directly invoke the audio toolkit play function from the button OnClick() callback in the Unity editor but I couldn't figure it out. I also could not get sounds to persist across scene changes.
Tomorrow night the plan is to figure out how to better integrate triggering sounds and to figure out persisting scene changes, perhaps using my singleton class instead of the Audio Toolkit checkbox for persisting scenes.
Over the last few days I've been reading up on Git. The staging aspect is interesting but I'll probably just bypass it for most things I commit and push. This website is a pretty good reference:
Now that I think I know how to use Git a little I decided to tackle an easy issue, adding some icons. Thanks to Kenney and Unity prefabs this was a really easy task. Attached are before and after screenshots. And btw, its all been committed and pushed to GitLab. Its nice to be working in CM.
I followed some instructions online and was able to create a git repository from an existing folder on my computer. I then was able to rebuild the app with Unity. The only hiccup was that my aspect ratio settings were gone and I don't remember the exact steps to recreate them. Look for me showing up to work with my laptop tomorrow.
Also, I probably should spend some time reading about git, since I'm not exactly sure what most of the commands I ran actually did.
My 1st post and certainly nothing to write home about but at least I have done something. Thanks to I have knocked out 2 issues that should get my game development more organized:
Also, I downloaded Inkscape after hearing about it.
joined 3,168 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 5