Submissions by stephen.wan6546 tagged sunflower

Space Sunflower is a simple casual game about a sunflower who wanted to fly into the sun. In this game, the player must help the sunflower to avoid obstacles and fly towards her destination. The control for this game is simple. The player must use left and right keys to change the petal's direction. The sunflower's petal and leaves works the same way as a ship's sail, they help the sunflower glide along the wind. The player needs to make sure that the sunflower ride on the right wind. If they land on the wrong wind, the sunflower might fall on the ground or fly towards the wrong direction.

As the sunflower flies higher, there will be things that want to eat her. Such as birds. The player must help the sunflower to avoid being eaten. Once the sunflower almost reaches outside of the atmosphere, there will be less wind to ride on. The player will need to aim the sunflower at the right direction in order for it to slowly move towards the sun at vacuum.

As the sunflower come closer to the sun, she'll glow brightly. But, soon, she'll start to burn. In few seconds, the sunflower turns into black dust. From that day onwards, no sunflower wanted to fly again. They just quietly stare at their fellow hero's ash.