Submissions by StanleyBarrett tagged towerdefence-td-multiplayer

This game is at its core a tower defence, 3 players versing against each other to survive the longest, the last one to survive wins. There are 3 different lanes which enemies will spawn and make their way down, if they reach your "stronghold" they will start to attack it, if the stronghold dies that player is out. The levels get progressively harder.

Players will receive income from killing the enemies, every 5 waves there will be a boss level, if the boss reaches the stronghold that player will be instantly defeated. When a player is defeated they can either exit the game or have the option of continuing to spectate the rest of the game.

The TD Game will make use of common TD game mechanics such as
- Mazing [you can craft your own maze using towers to make it harder for the enemies to reach your base]

-Air Rounds
-Upgrading turrets
- Special Turrets