Submissions by Rony Hanna tagged evolved-creatures

Author: Rony Hanna

Date: 28 - 07 – 2016

Subject: GDV110 – Day 010

Survival Of The Fittest

Concept Overview:

Defeat the evolved creatures and preserve humanity.


In 2210, a very rare apelike species have evolved and they are as every bit as intelligent as Homo sapiens. These menacing creatures seemed to have perceived humans as a threat and proceeded to eradicate much of humanity. A young navy seal named Jayden decides to lead an attack in an attempt to neutralize the evolved apelike creatures and save as many lives as he possibly can. Players begin by playing as Jayden as he is leading the attack against the evolved creatures deep within the Amazon rainforest. By the way these creatures function, Jayden realizes that the only way to preserve the human race is by exterminating them as they do not seem to have any interest in living peacefully alongside the human race. Many human beings have lost their lives due to these creatures, and many more are expected to perish should they not be stopped at once.


Amazon and an evacuated city.

Gameplay Mechanics:

The gameplay is a combination of action-adventure elements and platforming with a third-person perspective. Jayden can jump, swim, move along ledge, climb and swing from ropes, and perform other skills that allow players to make their way through the many challenges Jayden will have to face.

Possible Platforms:

PlayStation, Xbox, Wii and PC.

Wallpaper posted on the 6th of September, 2012, by David on webdesignbooth.