Submissions by Rony Hanna tagged box-traps

Author: Rony Hanna

Date: 29 - 07 – 2016

Subject: GDV110 – Day 011

The Hunt

Concept Overview:

Catch as many creatures as possible.

Concept of the game

Jack is a hunter who lives alone in a hut in a jungle. His goal is to hunt as many animals as he can and become a legendary hunter. Jack's hut is full of hunter equipment such as butterfly nets, bird snares, noose wands, ropes, knives, hatchets and box traps. Players play as Jack and they begin by searching for areas where they can do some hunting. The game is played from a third person perspective. Some areas may be dangerous while some are not. The player can use bird snares to trap birds by setting up a trap and wait, if a bird flies over and attempts to perch on top of it, it may catch the bird. If it fails to catch the bird, the trap will have to be set up again by the player. The player can also lay down box traps on the ground and wait for their relevant prey to come such as rabbits. Additionally, using Jack's hatchet, players can chop down a tree to gain logs, and use the logs and the knife to build a pit-fall trap. Players also have the ability to craft their own hunting equipment granted that they gather the necessary materials.



Possible Platforms:

Third person perspective hunting games are enjoyable on almost any platform.

Wallpaper by Jennifer Hart, 10, 02, 2011, posted on