Submissions by ricardo.chang tagged pixel-art

Platform: PC

Genre: Pixel art, top down shooter, puzzle

Audience: For those who love a fun and fast paced single player adventure to play exclusively with the accurate aim of your mouse and keyboard. People who enjoy the classic top down form of gameplay from titles like the legend of Zelda a link to the past and the fast shooter action from Hotline Miami.

Description: You wake up in an open room and with no memory and no recollection of how you got here. You get close to the edge of the room as you see the open air and look down from where you stand at the edge and notice just how incredibly high up you are. You look back and see the hologram of a woman and she speaks to you. “To go down you must go up,” and she disappears. A stairway that goes up and builds itself in the middle of the room and you walk up to them and the first thing you see is a sign in the wall that says Floor 2/100 and many walls and pathways that seem to work like a labyrinth. The room is slightly bigger and now you hear robotic footsteps all around. You look below the sign and a handgun is placed. The same female voice says “Begin experiment”
The game plays out from a top-down perspective and you aim with your mouse walk around with the “WASD” keys. The left mouse button is the primary fire and the right button key would be a melee attack. Additionally, you have the spacebar key is used for a roll the player can do to momentarily dodge damage, mobility, and repositioning. The farther you progress the bigger the rooms get and many sections of the levels change in structure, weather, and danger. Some levels are labyrinths and others can even be jungles with rain and creatures living in it. Your objective is told at the start of the level. Objectives can vary like Defeating all the hostile enemies in the area, find the treasure and place it in the right place so the door to the next level opens, escape as fast as possible, and boss levels put you against a single enemy in an open space that tests you against all the previous levels of that area. You find many different kinds of weapons all with a limited amount of ammo. You can rotate between them and weapons specifically used for that level will be available to find in the level itself. More details will be found as to why you are tested on the farther you progress on the game.

Visual reference can be seen from games like Hotline Miami

Auditory reference from portal 2

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox ONE, Nintendo Switch

Genre: Platformer, 2D, Pixel art, Stealth, Single player adventure

Audience: For those who enjoy a good challenge on their platformer games and love to play as a character that sneaks around undetected with very agile movements. Interesting mechanics that make for a challenging and interesting speed run.

Description: You are a creature from the shadows, contracted to do lots of different kinds of the task but mostly all of them require you to infiltrate and stay in the shadows undetected. Sometimes this means to steal the treasure of a castle or assassinate someone in a heavily guarded mansion. Your skills are what determine whether or not you complete your missions. You have a good amount of movement options in your arsenal. Of the like that allows you to dash and air dash across the screen. Hide in people’s shadows, short teleport to get to certain terrains, wall jump and finally your trusty dagger that does a little more than stabbing.
Every location invites you to jump, dive and sprint across its terrain, finding the best route to clear your objective and get out with the least amounts of casualties. Of course, whenever there is the need to dispose of bodies you will be required to do so. The environments will be your most viable and only ally as you venture through them in this sidescroller fast pace adventure. Be wary of enemies because they may spot you to the point of losing the mission.

art by Daniel Bogni, (Castlevania Symphony of the Night)

Género: Cyberpunk, Beat 'Em Up, Pixel art, singleplayer or Multiplayer, Racing, Brawler, Skater

Demográfica: Para los que les gusta la estética retro de pixel art y los estilos de juego arcade. Juegos con temas futurísticos y los que les gusta las carreras pero también desean algo de destrucción y competividad.

Descripción del Juego: En un futuro cercano el juego extremo mas popular es el Underground Saber Skater donde los jugadores se montan en sus patinetas voladoras para competir en una carrera subterránea en varias locacciones pero la mas común es en las grandes alcantarillas de la ciudad con laberintos de tubos y peligro radioactivo. Pero estas carreras no se basan solamente en el que llega primero sino que es una carrera basada en puntos. Adquiriendo puntos es donde la parte del sable entra en acción. Todos los concursantes están equipados con un tipo de arma laser (dependiendo en el personaje que escogió el jugador) con la que usan para matar los monstruos radioactivos que habitan estos lugares con toxico radioactivo. Differentes monstruos valen diferentes puntos y matar muchos monstruos a la vez dan un combo donde se multiplican mas los puntos. También se consiguen puntos encontrando tesoros escondidos en la pista.

Las pistas son de una vuelta de principio a fin. Algunas pistas tienen solo una via designada y otras los concursantes pueden tomar diferentes rutas. Differentes rutas traen diferentes sorpresas como mas monstruos que matar, tesoros y maneras de sabotar a tu competencia. La suma de puntos por monstruos derrotados, tesoros escondidos, estilo y por supuesto quien llega primer hasta cuarto. Hay diferentes personajes que escoger pero todos llevan tema de corredores estilo Cyberpunk y con armas hechas de laser para cortar rápido mientras corren en sus patinetas.

Primera imagen de como se verían los jugadores ( Hecho por Mark Knelsen )

Segunda imagen de como se ve el enviorment ( Hecho por usuario Smileh )