Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged slash

This game is a play on the grass cutting mechanic in the Legend of Zelda series. You play as a little boy who lives in a fantasy world, but of course just because it's a fantasy world doesn't mean that there aren't chores to be done! Also who needs lawn mowers when you have a nice sharp shiny sword?

In this game you must slash down as much grass under a time limit as possible. The more grass you slash down the more points are awarded, there is also a point bonus at the end if all the grass is cut. There may be hidden items in the grass to give bonus points and power ups! Power ups may include things such as: a wider arc, faster swing, longer sword reach, and sharper blade. Some grass may be more difficult to cut down than others and might require more than just one clean sweep to chop it properly.

The game is played from a 3rd person view with a camera that follows the player, in the corner there will be a simple colour coded minimap that shows where there is grass that needs to be cut down.

If they did this with the grass… imagine what they’ll do with the pots..