Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged norse

Hlaupa is a randomly generated tree climbing game in which you play as a lost deceased norse warrior who has fallen down the world tree and angered Jörmungandr the world serpent. You must jump up the branches of the tree (which are generated randomly) while Jörmungandr rises after you. The aim for the player is to reach the top of the tree where valhalla is so they can be safe from Jörmungandr.

As you ascend the tree you will be able to collect points and powerups. Power Ups will grant you powers such as 'super leg day' to allow you to jump a higher distance. There are also dangers on the branches that you must dodge as you climb higher and higher. Hitting one of these dangerous objects will knock you off the tree and you will have to start again.

The game is scored by how high you manage to climb up the tree at the end of a timer. Once the timer runs out a cutscene will play of the norse warrior reaching the top of the tree. Points are also added on to the score at the end depending on how many collectables and powerups you have also collected.