Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged archeology

Play as a fraud archeologist living a hundred years in the past. Your job is to create strange and mystical creatures from piles of bones you have excavated and try to pull them off as real animals that once roamed this earth. Being a fraud you don't care about discovering actual animals that might have once lived on earth, that doesn't earn the big bucks, what does however is fooling the general public to come and see amazing new creatures they could have never imagined.

The gameplay of this game will consist of going digging in various locations to enlarge your collection on bones, items such as horns, strange bone growths and misshapen skulls are particularly valuable parts in your collection. Once you have collected enough bones you get to create different bone structures to put together the perfect fascinating creature. The more strange creature you make the more money people will pay to see it, the money acts your score but also doubles as currency you get to spend during the next round to buy certain bone parts if you find yourself lacking. As well as making your own creatures up some rich lords and ladies may also commission you to create skeletons of strange animals for their own personal gain (pranking a friend or something of the sort). This means that you have to listen to what specifics they want on the skeleton and make sure they are added in otherwise you won't get paid in full!

This game will be similar to the Bird Species Creation game that was available to play at Te Papa in Wellington several years back.