Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged 49

This is a game inspired by the borrowers. Play as the only child in a family of tiny people living inside a small detailed doll house in a diorama museum. Ordered by your family never to exit the diorama house in which you live in until you come of age, you grow restless and discontent. After escaping one night to explore the museum you find out that the building is due to be destroyed and replaced with an apartment block. This sparks a search to band together with all the other families in the museum to save their building and all their homes.

The gameplay consists of exploring around the museum and visiting the families that live in there to try and get them to all band together. This will be achieved by completing quests for each of the family to earn their trust. Each family has something special about them and can be used in order to help the building be saved, whether they are able to use human pens, have human friends, or are especially good at stealing things, all of them are needed to be able to win the game. Each family will live in a different diorama section and each will be a different environment to explore through.