Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged 12

The sun is destroyed, the world has been thrown into darkness. The ground is starting to freeze, animals have become scarce.

Then hope is born, the last sun bear. Every sun bear is born with a part of the sun on their chest, they are the suns tasked protectors. This sun bear must travel to the highest point in the world and give himself to the sky to restore balance to the world and warm the earth once again.

Travel through the frozen world and try to bring warmth to any creatures you meet along your way. Your main goal is to reach the highest point of the highest mountain. The game is primarily a puzzle/adventure game where to proceed with the game the player must solve puzzles by using the sun bear's abilities. Because the sun bear contains the sun inside him he can melt snow and ice, allowing him to create slippery surfaces by melting snow, destroy ice blocks, and bring life to plants that have been frozen by the cold. He can also create light from the sun pattern on his chest.

The story of the game is primarily one about self sacrifice and doing your part, the game itself is aimed to be touching and beautiful with amazing landscapes to travel through. &