Testing out Quills! I want them to have a pudgy fun body! I've also always wanted to be able to make my own magical girl/boy transformation sequence!
I ran low on energy today since I am working over the Holiday. So decided to draw Quill. I haven't drawn them in such a long time. It is always rather therapeutic to draw them |PB
HALLOWEEN QUILLS| I wanted to make a neat October themed avatar of my mascot, Quill the Bee! I ended up doing a bunch of different tests of them! I think I might like the Vampire!Quill and the Zombie!Quill the most!
I think I am getting a better handle at animating! Also practicing using Manga Studio to do clean ink work again instead of Photoshop CC.There may be a lot of Quill the Bee art flowing in soon! |PB
PB| Working on Mascot Design to match my art logo: Quill/ Quilby.
I would like to achieve a nice balance between a cute character who seems to possess some type of physical weight.
-Friendly, Approachable
-Repetition of Stripes and Round Shapes