Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
After playing the alpha game where all player had to write more than 150 word on a new game idea that they can up with. Thanks to the players and all the watcher the alpha was complete and we can move on to the beta version. In the beta version all players will have to write 500 word on a new game about a particular subject which can range from adventure to zombie to arcade and even visual novels. By doing this player can look at what other ideas other have gotting and can be use to improve their own.
Another great new feature that is included with this game is the picture mode this mode give you a picture someone has draw and uploaded to streak club and then you need to make up an idea from that. the picture can be character, a place, a monster or a battle. Each picture is randomly give to a player unless of an event or if it is a particulars subject eg christmas. This picture mode also has the option to add picture to an idea and is another type of upload that the player can do. As an idea can be from any picture any picture can be add to an idea. By add this mode into streak club other can get a better idea of what this game could look like and may even get some fundraising from other player and virster. By playing streak club games can be thought up, drawn and fundraise so sign up for the 6 month free trial and see your ideas become games.
Revenge, the base of the infinite circle of pain and suffering and now this loop know points to you to continue it. You play as Fury, once he was going to marry the love of his life, princess Grace that was until tragedy strikes the stronger alliance in a centuries broken and turn against you, result in kill her right in front of you follow by your family and them finally yourself fall on the chopping block. But the rage from this betrayal will not end without getting even as you come back as a ghost.
As this ghost you have the ability to hijack other's bodies to command them as you like. Making allies of this new alliance turn against each other. You make the tragedy but you can also choose not to strike instead wait for the most critical moment or just let them past letting love, greed or fame win. Highjack high rank people to get more info on places and times to strike but you will have to be careful to not look or act supsies. As a ghost you will receive the same damage as you hijack body but you can change back to your hide form but doing so magic attack will do a lot more damage.
This mobile game makes use of the ability to effect spaces. In this platformer the player the player will have to get to the end though a ton of different obstacles but they have the power to effect space by physically link part of the map out. The map can only be affected once, with each time the player try to make a new cut in the map the map first changes back to the original then it does the change. Also when the player removes part of the map that missing part is blacks out apart of the screen with the same size.
The player will have to use space to deal with other elements that affect them like gravity and time. The player will also get the ability to jump although it is only a small one it still can be use to help you finish some puzzles. Another thing about the space ability it doesn't have to go through all the way through the screen, you can use it to only remove bits of the map of many different shapes.
The rule goes as followed one person/AI is the guy the zombies are trying to eat. The only problem is he has a sniper will unlimited ammo. The only problem is his glass keep fogging up. this is where the other players fit in, they play as the zombie trying to eat him. Then the guy with glass turns around to clean his glass you move forward when he is not the zombie must be striking a pose to hide from him.
You start out as a new rookie in the racing league, the most dangerous sport there is. You will be racing against up to 64 players or AI. Each player will get a chance to select and equip weapons and starting ammo with more weapons and ammo you can pick up. You will not be just racing against each other your will be attack from randomly planned events like a bombers wing could be practicing on the track or the natives may have place landmand on the map.
Their is no circuit races instead it is a race to a point on the map and you can try and take the longer way which may be more safer or you could charge straight there with the shortest path but you will be face alot of trouble. On the maps there will be ways to counter the event on the map or ways to go round them. but they can take some time and not always available to use.
Santa went under his usually training for christmas when he his back got injured so it is up to you to save christmas by ordering the elves to make the presents.
This game is played in a top down view with a cartoon like design. Each character can be use to do a job at a time. This job take time depending on the character and the level of the building as the more you upgrade them the quick it take to make. Each quest will make a child happy for christmas and the goal of this game is to make everyone happy. Each month the quest count and the quest their were doing is reset and they start over. The player can have as much quest as their level so upgrade and buying more building and land will make more production. Their is a rank leader border but that is spit up to how many christmas you have done. So new players have a shot at getting to the top prizes on their first time.
you play as a jack, a boy how has live though a thousand lives, you have slayed demon kings and dragon at least a hundred times over, woo more princess than days in a year, you have beaten armies to the point that it is not even funny a dumb joke any more, you have slayered more being then you have live. all your lives you have been living in fantasy worlds, but know in you new life you are born in a spaceship.
At first you start out as a recruit of your chosen class, they are fighter, stragicst, soilder, driver and turrernter. an slowly you make your way up the top of the ranks the more of the other classes you get to export as well as the more control you get over others. because you have alot of experience with wars and magic so you can use that knowledge to boost yourself.
you play as an idiot who thought it would be a good idea to go on the wrong side of the road as their is less traffic. you control him, trying to dodge cars, deal with policies and leave the highway.
in this game you can control your speed so you can increase it or decrease it but not the other cars speed as the throughout of the city you get the more faster they will go. each car has a top speed, brakes, accelerate and handily control unit. each car has different stats. the way to get money is done by how much points you get. every so often you can choose to leave the highway which will get you arrested and get the money or you can risk staying on highway and get more points and money, if you die that run is worth nothing. the fast you go the larger the multiplier is.
A game where the app plays a 30 second or so of a song and you need to type in the answer. This game tests the player on new and old music so they can find music they may like. Each time they get it right they earn point which they can use to by songs which they have listen to.
The game first starts of giving you only the song if you can't get it then the game give you the music and music video and if you still can't guess it right then it give you the lyrics
This game also learns what type of music you like and will give you many music that fits the style you like. To like a song you must click on the thumbs up button. If you have a friend who like the same kind of music then the game will do some of the song they have like which you have listen to.
Lone wolf a game where you play as a betrayed gang member which is being hunted down by your gang members, police, military and other gangs. You will have to try to live or escape from them before you are killed.
At the start the player will struggle to last even the for five minutes but with each time you die that time is add to your exp you can used to upgrade yourself making you stronger, faster, more efficient, more heavily armed to take on this endless army of enemies.
To escape you need to not be in sight for a full minute and another two after that. after the first minute all off the enemy will convince on you last known location and then try and find you from their. They can also set a perimeter to try and contain you inside the area.
A multiplayer game where 1 to 3 player are farmers trying to protect their chickens well 1-5 wolf try and sneak in and eat the chicken dress up as sheep. NPC sheep will wander around the farm. As a framer you can control the sheep some (what) like moving them into pens stepping up fences and grow grass. Well the wolf can ask the sheep to do action to get the framers to move or check out other things that you or a sheep has done. wolfs can also open pens. As a wolf you can't attack framers well framers can shot wolf. Each wolf gets 3 lives.
Framers level up by killing wolf and by milking cows. Cows are located away from the chickens so that the framers need to level up but making more hole in their defends
At the start of each round you are give 20 minutes to make a sculpture. You start out with a block which you can choose to be anything from dirt to diamonds and a location which include forest, underwater, on the moon, in a volcano, in the snow, in the desert, oasis, in the cloud and in a palaces is just a few of the places. Each place gives a benefit to different resource and end products. Your goal is to make the best sculpture you can. Each sculpture after completions or timeline will give you exp into sculpturing and into that metral the better the sculpture is the more exp you get. You will also have to control your money as each sculpture you make cost more on resources and tools. Each tool has a rating the better the rating the more better the outer layer looks. you gain money by how good the sculpture is and you can lose money.
You play as a god and you look down on a school boy whose goes about doing his normal school day but today is different because you can infer with his life making better or worse depending it is up to you to decide.
In this game you can not do anything to him like make him go in go when you want but you can use others to get him to go their. You can move thing like paper and pen as you like. All the people in this game as a relationship with, good, bad or even neutral. Using these you can make him suffer or happy. You can even make event which change relationships between him and other peoples.
A mobile game that use logic to solve puzzles, eg, a block is blocking you path you can use this equals (w = mg) to get, (Weight you time Mass by Gravity). so if you change the numbers in the equation you can lessen the gravity to move the block into the air so you can pass.
This mobile game use equations from chemistry, biology, physics and calculus to solve using a range of equation give the player more knowledge in these subject. As this game use simple equation so that younger player can understand them and can learn some more to help them in their tests.
King, the top of the social change back in the time before knights and dragons. they were the pincel of power what every one want to be but what was it achaally like? well this game goes into detail about that as you play as the new king, their is three different modes, "hero of the people", "legacy" and "rise to power".
- "hero of the people": you play as a hero summon to fight against the demon king and you won, earning you into ruluty. as you start of being like by most people making the game easier compeared to the other modes
- "legacy": you play as a the princes, the play boy kind, although people do look down on you you get two addvange, one not being marry and polictly friend which help back you.
- "rise to power": you play as a genral how got to marry into ruluty. people will look down on you thinking that you only got it for you family reutaion. prove them wrong.
as a king you will face mangering you citys, towns and village as best you can on top of trading, policis, nural dasters, religion and to top it of other kings. that is a lot to deal with onto of betrays and assassions that can at anytime, you also need to deal with you succeres which will be a whole lot of fun (sarcasm).
The newest game for everyone to hate at, you have be given a assessment you must complete over the internet by posting it on a website. But, why not have some fun, you are give ten days to post parts of this assessment so for your fun you try and think of the most worst thing that the teacher will rage at you for. This can be by not doing you assessment to insult your teacher and even into crimes, although you will be arrest for that and ending the game. The objective of this game is for you to think of the most raging things for that teacher without going to jail, it is advice for you to start doing this on day one as the longer the combo is the more it is worth.
This game is made to be an outlet for you to get revenge for your teacher for giving you crap assessments without doing anything to be a issues with later in life or losing marks in you crap assessments. their is many teacher and subject for you to play this game with each one get's angry for different things. after the ten days are up you a grade for A++ to F--- depending on if you did the work or tried to piss of the teacher.
Five year after the D day the war finally ends you deal the last blow to the demon king, you look around and see death or maybe hell. Only you survived the final battle, no survive is the wrong word you are heavy wounded and you feel death creeping closer though you final stage you launch the victory signals in the air. As you look at it you eyes get to heavy to open and you close them for what you would thing is the final time until you wake up, confuse you find out it is you body from 8 years ago. Thinking their is a way to save everyone you try telling other which ends you up in jail until D day where you fight and die again and wake up like the second time, now it is you turn to do as you see fit help the humans ad stop the demon or you could get ravage for your second death what you do is only for you to know.
Use the knowledge for your last life's to befit you, these are both written in your memory library. Reading info of your last lives does help you understand them and can use this to help recruit them or kill them. Every time you die you go back to the start of the game losing all items and level you had but you get a decrease in time to level up and stat until you reach the point you had when you die. This does carry though out all lives.
This game is meant to be hard, players will struggle and you will need to keep an eye on everything as you don't know what can kill you. By playing in a 1st person makes keeping enemy from getting behind you is hard and very important as it will do more damage. You can play as a sole party or have a hold army following you but you will need to be able to surply them.
Zombie Outbreak. Players think when a game has a zombie outbreak they play as a survivor trying to live in a apocalypse world with little resources. this game doesn't go down that path instead you are patient zero, the cause of the outbreak.
In this game you can play in either two mode command which is a more strategic game where you use the zombie you make to fight against the human or you can play in the mode supersoldier. in this mode you play in first person with no control over your zombies other than yourself. The game also include a lot of skill points which can gain main by turning other into zombies. The skill point include pack leader, which give you more zombies to gang up on humans. Rank up, which give you zombies class they could be. zombie strength more strength to push humans down and many more.
You play as a cat. You live you life doing everything a cat does, sleep, eat, meow, get patted and so on now is you chance to play as one of these furballs and have you fun.
At the start you choose one of the neighborhood will be living in. You can export the neighborhood and if you can get into the neighbor's house go ahead. You will not be the only can their so you can make friend, enemy and maybe a mate. You will have meters for hungry, thrust, sleep, waste, attention and playfulness which will decrease the long you play and can kill or make you act against your will. There's a ton of achievements that can be get from sleeping in many weird places, bugging humans and the way you act around others.
So enjoy playing living your cat life well you can because not everyone will like you by the end.
You have live your life in what can only be seen as hell, violence is a everyday occasions, blood is drawn often, bullying is as often as the sun rise. But no more now you make your stand and you will leave your name written in blood.
A single player game where you see how much people you can kill before you die or get caught. use the surround to you advantage. Delay their death and make you own alibi. Their is a skill tree with the ability to make yourself a better killer. Smarter, stronger, crafter, more innocent and become a living ghost. But the game doesn't only give you the option of killing everyone you can you do get point for getting other to be seen as the criminal and even more if you get it to go unnoticed after all the least that is know the more scarier it becomes.
Sam wake up in a unknown environment, confused and naked Sam explore and find out that this place is full up with monster from all eras, hopeless without a chance to win or run Sam hide away in a cave that is where thing go even weirder. Sam fall asleep due to fear and come cross a white room with 2 doors. Sam tests each door somehow he knows one has information on tech and the there has knowledge of magic. What Sam does next is up to you.
The game takes place in three worlds Maga(magic), Teca(technology) and Gira (monster world). Gira is the main world and is full up with danger you will need resource to help make it safer for you but that requires you to put yourself in danger first. only once you fall asleep in Gira you can go to the white room here you can choose which worlds ability you want to be taught to you. each ability you gain in ether Teca or Maga come back to you in Gira. the skill/crafting options you get allows the player to build/make/use better items/equipment to help you survive in the wild some us Technology, some Magic and some in the abit of both.
Magic: Element Magic, Enchantment and Summoning.
Technology: Guns, Industry, Vehicles (tanks...) .
Both: Advance Weapons(flamethrower, lighting rod...), Magic Weapons (holy sword), Mechs.
Swords and Shields is a 3rd person CQC mutlplayer game. In this game one player is called commander all other team member chose a melee class link Spearmen, Swordman, Axeman, Samurai, Knight and a few more. Each class has it's own advantages as well as disadvantages. commander is the player which can make the game interesting or not, he is the one who chooses where everyone on his team spawn. He also can call in support like arrow rain, catapult, rush and rally. Each ability can be used to effect the game. For everytime the player uses their weapons the less durabtly that weapons has. Each player can change weapons with any they find on the battlefield but is a decrease in damage not being your weapon and a even bigger one if you use a different type of weapon then you class uses eg a swordmen using a spear.
Cloud9 is a platforming game which takes place up in the sky. Using clouds, the wind and some water the player must navigating around the maze. but not all clouds will do as you want them to and with rain and lighting in the mix as well as time just ticking way, day turns to night and then back to day.
The game is a mobile app, you use your fingers to move the clouds and water around, but by doing so they become smaller and weaker. This is also multiplied by the wind as the more you oppose the wind the smaller and weaker it become but if you go with the wind you will still lost part of the cloud only at a slower rate. Night and day will effect how the player moves. In the day the rate of which the cloud falls apart is large but you gain light to see where you are and what is in the sky to help you go about completing the sections. In the night it gets harder to see where you and the platforms are but in exchange the platforms will last longer can be made to quicker.
After the recent release of some of the toughest game which have been create we introduce A million way to die. This game is far tougher then it's any game before it. In the 18 hundred's the pandemic hit the world deaths where of the charts and now the player get to see first hand how bad it truly. Get the there of combat of the ages from blades to axe from arrows to rifles. If you think that death can only come from combat thing again, the pandemic as not just infected people but even the ground and the wildlife you never now if you eat this and with betrays happening and control changes hand constantly you will fine no piece anywhere you go, And to add onto this monsters from fantasy have start to see in the world. But that is not all with random event teleports fall item futures and pasts seem to come out of the wood work you will have a tough time just trying to survive that's if you don't die a million time before.
You job is to fill up containers with water. At first they will be see through but the more of them you do the less you will see of them. The game has many mode like Water Boy Rush, you care a box of water onto a field without getting the water to come out of the drink bottles you forgot to close. Water Boy Race a race deliver in a car with water in a unclose lid which will go everywhere if you don't drive careful. Water Boy Run, zombie will chase after you so be care as you can only run for a little bit of time.
The game has many skin and background you can unlock by doing daily changalles you can also buy these skins and background as well as some extra ones. You can also unlock new characters like justly fruity, miss wine and more.
daily from
Best streak: 32, Completion: 94%