Submissions by miguel.rivas tagged vr

Genre: sandbox, single player, VR, PC.

Platform: PC. I use a PC because it is more accessible and almost everyone has a PC

Demographics: People or ghosts who want to have fun for a while without the need for tortuous levels of difficulty and annoy others in the process.

General concept of the game: it is simple you are a spectrum that claims to be the main driving force behind all the acts of evil that have taken place in the abandoned house that through a Poltergeist you seek to expel all those who come to inhabit the house .
interesting information about this.

How to play the game: with the help of the oculust rift you can transport yourself as if you were there.
it's pretty simple With Oculus Touch controllers, hand movements and gestures carry over into the game.
so you play as if it were a ghost you move around the house Oculus Insight reproduces your movements in virtual reality, by doing this you can look around you can also have inanimate objects and animals cross walls.

the music to be used:

ghost visual style