Submissions by MarkCroucher tagged smorc


Hit the face! Hit it Hard! SMOrc!!

Hit the face to earn damage points, spend your damage points on orcs to hit the face for you! The more damage points you earn, the more you can buy! Expand your army infinitely, to hit the face harder and harder, upgrade your orcs, and your armies.
Buy weapons and boosters to do more damage per hit. And even use abilities and power ups to maximise your damage.

The game is made to me a time dump, and an afk game. Earn damage points over time while your not playing, come back and spend all your points to increase your dps. Upgrade more and more and more, unlocking new champions, heros, beasts, armies to help you damage the face!

Preferably for IOS and steam, buy points and special currency with real money to speed up your damage if you wish, or earn them yourself over time.

Examples of purchases.


  • Orcs.
  • Ogres.
  • Mercenaries .
  • Hounds.
  • Beasts.
  • Warleaders.
  • Bosses.


  • Catapults
  • Automated Crossbows
  • Explosive shots
  • Spiked fists

Image references:

Images owned by 'Blizzard Entertainment'
Inspired image below is only an example using Warcraft icons and references.