Submissions by LouisJohns tagged red-matter

This game is a endless runner game where you use your red matter fists to destroy planets in you path. The aim of the game is to destroy the planets as fast as possible, You move at super sonic speeds and you have to try and hit all of the planet in you path, miss a planet and you restart at the beginning main menu. At the beginning of the game you start of going averagely super sonic in speed but the further you get and the more planets you destroy the faster you will go. As you start moving through planets faster and faster it becomes harder to stray left and right to hit the planets, because you are moving so fast the planets move towards you like bullets from a gun. Each planet you hit you get points for, each planet cost ten points, When you restart at the beginning you will be given a score of A,B,C,D,E,F. F being the lowest and A being the highest, when you restart your score will be timed by ten and you will be set as you high score till you make a better score, F is a score under one thousand and an A is 100,000 or higher.
