Submissions by LouisJohns tagged pigeon

In this free-roam game, you are a scavenging pigeon... OF JUSTICE!!!! There is an anonymous group of justice leader pigeons called "the hierarchy" and in order for you to reach your dream to become one of the members of "the hierarchy" you must complete an infinite number of tasks to test your worth and your capabilities to maintain order in the chaotic world that the humans have polluted with their unusually tasty trash and violent criminals. The aim of this game is to poop on criminals who you've observed throughout the streets of Chicago. You will receive tasks from the hierarchy showing you the approximate location of each criminal, including stats concerning their level of violence, level of urgency (which you will have a set time to complete), population within criminal's location and aim difficulty (whether the targets movement is fast and radical or slow and easy). You are also equipped with a 'poop-meter' indicating how much poop you are able to spend per criminal. This meter is not an infinite supply of poop because that would be unrealistic ;) to fill you poop-meter you must apply your unique scavenging skills to.... acquire unusually tasty trash, containing the perfect pooping components, for you to consume and raise your poop-meter.

As you climb the ranks you will be awarded 'motivational skill sets' including various stealth mode skills, and flight techniques and boosts. You are also able to choose different 'shooting' styles each time you reach a higher rank. these shooting styles include (but are not limited to) the Botty-Blast which allows you to hit multiple targets within a given area and Blind-behind which blinds your target(s), stunning them, allowing you to move in and attack with you equipped talons.

Yes I did mean equipped talons. Because of your inferior natural pigeon feet you can obtain different talon sets and styles with different equipment ranks. You are able to customize your character by finding gutter rats which act as vendors and bankers, supplying different styles of war paints (with a price of course), and your collection of talons and task receiver devices that you have gained throughout your mission.

Justice Pigeons. Slaying criminals on the poop list and maintaining order. But beware, the human criminals aren't the only bad guys out there... Shady Seagulls - the outlaws of the bird kingdom. The bad of the bad. - are out to reek havock among the innocents. Pooping on them, stealing there fries. Shady Seagulls are ALWAYS on the poop-list.

So stay alert, Justice Pigeon. And good luck.
