Submissions by LouisJohns tagged movies

The Legends Arm wrestling Tournament is the battle of Heroes and Villains from all genre of movies, video games and comic book series. The characters consist of participants like The Joker from the DC comic books, Sherlock Holmes from the Sherlock Holmes movies and TV series and Sub-Zero from the Mortal combat game they will all be going at it to be the strongest of them all. This games works just like a King of the hill tournament, where twenty participants battle to beat there opponent by arm wrestling, the winner from each battle proceeds to fight the winner from one of the other battles, the same process will continue till the final battle and the looser from each arm wrestling battles goes and battles in the second best tournament. Not all of the participants can win be shear strength alone, so they can use tactics to win, for example if you are playing as The Joker you will be able to use a feather to try and tickle your opponent and brake his concentration, also if you play as Sherlock Holmes you be able to locate your opponents weaknesses and focus on those weaknesses and make it harder for your opponent to win against you. The characters you can play as all vary in strength to which character you play as, example if you are playing as The Hulk you will be a heavyweight but this does not mean a lightweight can not beat you in a battle. The Lightweights will be able to use tactics and the Heavyweights will be able to use there shear strength to win.

This game is a Multi player button mash game where you mash the spacebar button as fast as you can to beat the other players to win.

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