Submissions by LouisJohns tagged falling

In this game you play as a Ninja and you have to dodge falling daggers, the daggers will fall from random points at the top of the screen. This game works like an endless runner but without the running, So its just endless daggers falling from above, and all you have to do is to dodge the daggers, if you get hit by a dagger you fail and you score will appear and a button to the main menu, so you would click the screen to start dodging daggers again, your score is counted by the amount of daggers dodged ten points per dagger, the further you get dodging daggers the more you score will go up. The long you are in game the faster the daggers move and the daggers fall in more of an abundance, making it harder to dodge the daggers. At the end of your turn your score will be multiplied by 100 to give you a nicer reward.
