Submissions by Lorenzo tagged ui

A game about Susan Kare's pixel art work.


It took me 4 hours to make the game. Thanks to Nomi for suggesting me to look into her pixel art, I was already familiar with some of it as a long time Mac user, but redrawing a few pieces pixel by pixel made me appreciate it even more. I had no idea she also designed the Chicago typeface, which used to be the system font. Check out her work at

Agame about watermelon emojis. This is also my submission for the A MAZE. #MelonGameJam, which is running right now:


It took me around 6 hours to make the game. 60% of that time was spent replicating the Facebook Messenger app UI, the rest connecting all the chat feed images, making the animation feel good and get the timing right – I wanted the win state to end with the screen getting all red.

This was inspired by other WarioWare D.I.Y. games replicating the UI of an app, like these two gems by Duncan Robson (who in general inspired me to do the Wario Year):