Submissions by lewis_poll tagged tap

This endless sidescroller game involves tapping or clicking the screen in order to create platforms for the player to bounce off. The player is constantly tumbling through the air in a barrel roll, by clicking or drawing lines with the players mouse or finger (touchscreen eg) android/smartphone) to create fabricated forms that act as a trampoline to project the player. The aim is to stop the player from falling off the bottom of the screen, similar to Flappywings or Helicopter. There is a key to timing the clicking/tapping, and different angles project the player into a different roll. If the player lands head first on the platform they immediately fall through and towards the bottom of the screen. There is a recharge/timer to each 'trampoline' created, so the player is banned from spamming endless trampolines to prevent losing.

The art is pixel style, relatively plain but memorable so the art does not distract the player too much from the game itself. The focus of the game is on simple, endless time wasting in a fun expression. The player may unlock different outfits and background colors for beating certain distances, this is reflective of the simple art style as giving subtle components away in different fashions speaks louder than over the top, dramatic rewards.

This image reflects the art of Hurdle, flat colors and limited color pallets.