Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Heroes Charge
This game is inspired by SD Gundam g generation series. Loving the tactical aspect, unique individual characters and wide range of customisations. The game would be designed in a similar fashion of a top down 2D view. Based in a generic fantasy RPG world. The game would be separated into different chapters with numbers of quest that the player can select to play. Each quest would provide money based on how well they are done. The money would be used for buying and upgrading different things which can be looked at in the party menu.
The player is allowed to controll 4 parties with 1 party leader and 4party members. At the start of the game the player is taken to the customization menu for them to create their first party. The player is able to select name, race, body types, weapon and assign some attribute points first to their stats. After completing more missions the player can buy new gear, change outfits or weapons to fit the player's desire. The game only allows the player to create those 5 characters while the rest needs to be recruited from doing quest to unlock specific characters.
The quests have a linear storyline that will provide scenes for the player like subjugating normal to legendary monsters. Defend villages or towns from invasions. Participate in wars between nations. Protect caravans. And so on that the stories diverses to keep the player interested with different options.
God's Paintbrush
This game follows the concepts of "There can not be good without evil". Using the yin-yang as a symbol that there is always black in white while there is always white in black both in perfect balance.
The unique mechanic in this game is how it uses colours. The game will be in a open world sandbox, puzzle. The first thing the player will see is the game world in black and white. The objective of the game is to blend the two colours with a big giant brush in the player's character's hand, creating an outlier of objects that is in the world currently that are invisible to the players eyes. Sooner the player would see objects like rocks, the ground, trees, and bushes but everything is in grey between the mixing of black and white.
The player will go around the map revealing more outliers of objects until they start unlocking colours. For example the first to unlock is brown. Just brown with no shades or anything. The player can then start painting objects that are suppose to be brown, like the ground. Although the colour is very bold. From there the player will start unlocking more colours to play with and will even have the chance to run into a city based in medieval fantasy. More colours and more objects. Soon a shader and light tool will be unlocked allowing the player to paint the objects with more diverse of colours bringing out great detail you would normally see in heavy graphic games.
Lastly a highlighter tool will be unlocked. This tool would be used to highlight targets whether it's an object or living being they will be highlighted based on their mood and actions. There will also be a line connected to them which can be traced by the player. For instance a player highlighted a noble lady at the ball, and the player traced the line to the end to only find a little girl's body flowing down the stream. Those lines reveal stories of everything without the player interacting with the world. In fact the player is not allowed to do anything in the world accept to paint and watch.
Terror Maze
This game is based on the mythical story of Icarus. Where a father and son was trapped in a maze with a minotaur. To escape the father captured birds for their feathers and bundled them into wings. After the wings were made the father and son flew up. The father warn the son not to fly too close to the sun or the glue on the wings will melt. But the son didn't listen and flew to close. The wings starts to melt and he fell back into the endless maze waiting for the minotaur to come and eat him.
The players would be trapped in a mirror maze. The purpose of the mirror is to make it confusing for the players at the same time to warn them if the monster is coming. The goal of the players is to find the exit and not get killed by the monster.
Game is designed to be first person as a VR game. Utilizing the immersive effects of VR to targets player fear and anxiety to run from the monster. In some sense this game can be describe as the 3D version of scary maze. Player will only spots strange shadows on the ground and hear steps. As a monsters the player is not allowed to see their reflection. Based on sound and the shadow the player needs to avoid them at best.
An ancient mechanical race in the fantasy genre has set out to eradicate the world. Trampling upon humans, elves, demons, anything that is considered intelligent. As the war rages on between machine and living, the machine stepped into the ancient forest. Filled with dense mana which is a perfect fuel source for the machine. But inside the forest they disturbed the something. The living has always avoided the forest even if the mana was rich. Once someone enters no one comes out.
Once the machine gone deeper the slime monsters stampede against them. A slime is all liquid with a tiny nucleus in the center that holds it together. The slime are only living because that nucleus can gather mana and stores it inside. The slimes are angered and now flood the forest draining the machines mana and leave them as scrap metals.
This game is focused on the slime monsters. The players would play as a slime and fight countless numbers and diverse of machines. The game would have a switch class system. Play one class lvl that up and then switch to another one and lvl that up. The classes can be switch back and forth. Checking the lvl system once the player lvls to a certain point they unlock different class eg lvl 10 unlock fire water wind earth slimes. Later on you can even unlock light dark poison metal sticky and many other liquid substances. The story of this game is for the player to become the giant king slime and consume the main power core of the machine to stop them once and for all.
Food Pyramid
Inspired by the upcoming movie called Sausage Party. Taking the idea where the main character would be a humanised food. Playing as food the player would face the horrors of being eaten or cooked. A quick sudden horror scene mechanics like how Dead Space handled their death scenes. Another example are scenes from Attack of the Titans, with giants humans eating smaller humans.
To maximise the fear of being eaten like that, the game is designed as a VR game. The game is separated into many levels with their own difficulty and different characters. The goal of the game is for the player to escape from where they are, quickly hide as it will start an event where the human will come in ready to cook or eat. They must continue to avoid detection of the human and creep out of the danger zone.
Now the much more interesting and kind of questionable mode is the 2 player. One player is the food. While the other player will be the human. The food player has the same goal. The human player would be given small tasks like cleaning up, preparing food, or just searching for something to eat. To make sure the player do these task the whole game will be measured by a point score system. This mechanic will make sure the human player would not just chase for the food player. The task given to the human player would be in the vicinity of where the food player is. The food needs to keep moving around or the system will grant a task that would show their position. Overall the human player just needs to keep an eye out and the food player would need to keep moving around to stay alive.
Middle Kingdom
This game is based on the historic era of the Qins dynasty in China's history. The era where China was united as one and established the first imperial majesty. The game will focus on the battle between the 7 warring states with smaller kingdoms. The game would be designed with similar basic elements of a grand strategy game with smaller RTS skirmish battles. Generally the mechanics of this game will resemble the Total war series. The main game world map would be based on China with great details in controlling main cities and smaller towns and villages. Management would be like Total war while the graphical images of the cities growing on the map would resemble the cities expanding in Civilization watching the cities grow.
The army system would work by having one general selected where the player can place troops under their banner. They can place the troops in position as the army back then usually stick in a square formation. Historically right in timeline wise but other stuff not correct. Other ancient weapons used by the chinese will be added in along with different armours. Players are able to change, upgrade armour and weapons in the army. Such as in a gamemode where you start off as a small commander owning a village the player only has conscription units who are basically farmers. They can train the the farmers by completing small missions by the strategy advisors in the capital or clean up bandits to gain funds. Players can trade and gain better weapons and armour. Getting promoted will gain more soldiers and land.
Another special function in the army which is similar in total war medieval 2 where someone in the group of soldiers have earn a great achievement and becomes the hero. The hero will be the representative of his unit and has new abilities. Exaggerating the actions of a human they are able to crash through 100s of soldiers without a sweat. The hero also acts as a sub leader assisting the general and once lvled up to a higher lvl they can split off and become a general under the player's command.
The game is inspired by the problems of Dementia. This game is designed with similar mechanics like the telltale series. The story and gameplay would be a branching narrative model. Revolving around the player's decision and giving a unique story from the beginning to end. The setting of the game would be after World War 1. Starting from there the game will ask a series of question that would determine what the character would be doing coming back from the war. Examples such as where their home country is, family, jobs, friends and then World War 2 again. Historical events would be integrated into the game but how the character is involved with them is depended on the player's actions.
Now the effects of Dementia can happen when ever in the mid and late stages of the game play. The effects of Dementia is suppose to bring the player into the future the current reality of the character. Giving the player a glimpse of what their path is going towards. They can either change their style hoping for the outcome they want. The story is in the complete hands of the player, however the stories would have many twist to make it more like Dementia. The game is suppose to target the players emotion. For instance if the player continues on a very happy storyline the ending would leave the character in a sad state since he can not recognise reality. In a much more sadder story the character may escape his dreams and return to reality. And if they were to accidentally die midway the character will just snap back into reality watching a sad scene play out for the player.
Blobby Flood 2
Continuing from the last game the setting of the game has given the remaining humans some time to process the whole situation and plan for a counter attack. Once the planning phase was over it was time to prepare for pay back. Resources was very limited causing distress and postpone the plan to a further date. During the preparation time humanity has established more sub space station and couple moon bases to gather more resource. Following human history, in times of war is when technology will advance to a new age. New weapons have been designed, new vehicles, new buildings, and new tactics. After 18 years humanity was ready to strike back.
Humans was not the only living organism that improved. Overall the years the blob has shown signs of quick evolution and materialized into giant life like bodies and some irregularities that are still unknown. First phase of the operation was to secure the skies for a safe landing of the land units. Operations will take place in the desert areas, mountain ranges and the north & south artics.
This game will have a world map system where the player can select which missions they would take first. Once finishing a conquering mission the player is able to buy and build any special facilities that can aid the army. By establishing a ground base they have the ability to build a space station for retreat. Another special facility that is important is the recycling building. With the new weapons the army can freeze the blobs and capture them to be recycled back into water in the facility. Establishing more bases will thin out the blobs attention.
The player will continuously capture more blobs to recycle all the water and when reaching max storage the player will need to capture old lakes to dump the pure water and establish a security perimeter. As the player gain more land back the tougher the blob seem. Soon in a mission the HQ in space will inform the player that the irregularities are approaching the front lines. Soon the player will discover new blobs that looks like metallic liquids. The freezer weapons are not working to well and soon the metal blobs are breaking the player's army. HQ will give the player the ability to use the plasma beam satellite to wipe them out for now. The new blobs prove to be a threat as they can damage your units armour. This will allow a new chain of research and buildings to counter the new threat.
After that event newer blobs will appear which will be harder to kill with the wrong weapons. The game will continue until the player has recycle every last drop of blobs there is.
Blobby Flood
This game is centered around a futuristic modern age where civilization on earth has reach a perfect self sustaining ordered life. Unfortunately one day a comet landed on earth and sunken into the deep ocean. Caused major floods around the world but everything was handled quickly. However the comet that came from space held a dangerous creature. That creature transformed and integrated with the water. This making the water on earth a living creature slowly absorbing all the water. Very quickly the blob of living water sent out smaller blobs to attack all humans and absorbing them since they are mostly water too. Attacking during the repairs of the flood the whole planet was plunged into crisis and panic.
Without knowing anything about the threat the enemy (blob) continuously absorbs people and floods the town as more blobs continue to spread from the ocean. The defense guard was no use as normal weapons redundant. Many cities fell on the seaside and the military issued use of laser weapons to all personal. The blobs are still water molecules and would vanish into steam which will later return back being into normal water.
The game is designed to be your usual RTS game. Following the same like Command & Conquer. Of course most missions in this game would be protecting then conquering. The main important unit is the outpost HQ, a quick mobile truck that can pack and unpack. There is only one mini HQ that can call new units to a drop off point and place defences. The economy in this game is based on the amount of people the player can save by securing buildings and start evacuating. Most missions are about evacuating. Some is establishing a foothold which is harder when maintaining the blob flooding the cities. Another important mission is for players to go protect water preserves as it's the only source of pure water. But all the effort was for nothing as the blob slowly takes control of the whole ocean forcing humanity to group up and start to flee into space. Where the last mission is using all the remaining resources that is left and dry to build enough space ships and launch at the same time.
Devil Spawn
Devil spawn is a generic fantasy with all the sword and magic with many different races. Most games players see and play between the demons, humans, best, elfs, orcs and other races you can think of. In this game i want the players to experience in another perspective. A third party actually that has been in all games. The player's would be controlling the monsters, the race that we all kill and grind on for experience and items.
The monsters the players will play are all individually spawned from mana in the world from the depths of dark miasma. Normally the players would be able to equip weapons and armor but being a monster the player can choose their evolution strand instead. From the evolution tree the players can change and morph into different body parts. Basically there is the basic classes of rangers, brawler, pericer, battle mage, cannibal and so on. The equip armor system in RPG would be replaced with layers that you would usually see when depleting one health bar which can represent destroying a outer layer skin which goes closer to the core body. The player can regenerate health slowly when hurt and heal faster when they eat corpses.
Objective of the game is to become stronger and turn into a legendary monsters like the grand bosses that heroes need to kill. The game would be open-world, sandbox. The gameplay would be exactly like the stories you read when mentioning about monsters. The player would be raiding villages, ambushing people, fending off hunters and adventurers and so on. The game would start in a forest surrounded by trees and bushes to teach the player that to survive as a monster they need to hide in the beginning instead of being open. The environment also gives them an advantage in sneaking to ambush easy animals and innocent passers bys giving an easy start to the game.
Heart Of A Lion
This game is set in your generic fantasy game with swords and magic used by either Humans or Demons. Where the story starts off as a demon overlord has erected a tower which spawns monsters that wrecks the common people's lives. Many battle hardened adventurers have come and tried to defeat the demon overlord to wipe out the tower with all its blood thirsty monsters. However a day has come where a villager has enough. With all his fury being bottled up and imploded. He grabbed a shield and rushed towards the tower.
This game is designed to work as a VR game. Inspired around the current teleportation movement that is being used in most VR games as free movement. The player's objective is to traverse the tower from the bottom to top. Each floor the player would need to observe everything in the room in order to choose the safest and possible path to reach the next floor.
There many paths to the checkpoint that leads to the next floor. But each path have different obstructions. The player moves by pointing with the controller to teleport onto a higher platform. The first floor will show the player how to move from one point to the next and the only obstacle in that room is that there are some platforms that can disappear or move. This will let the player know that they can not drop their guard and observe before they move. The higher the level there will be more and harder obstacles. For example once the player moves to the next platform they might need to quickly put up their shield to block a automatic attack and quickly find the next platform.
Once the the player reaches the last level, the roof top the player would need to face the demon lord. The player can only win by getting closer blocking his magic right in front of him making him suffer from his own magic. While the player is far away they can only deflect the demon's magic away.
Short Sighted
With all the popular games the players watch their characters running around and fighting in the world. However Short Sighted is designed to be on mobile apps, with a top down view of 2D characters. Made just like your generic RPG adventure games with swords and monsters. The players would only be able to view their characters with a small visibility radius of the game world.
The core pillar of this game is for the player to wonder around a randomly generated map to encounter monsters without much notice. With the camera being focused and centered on the character the player would need to be on guard at all times or else the monsters they encounter will always get the first hit. Since the game is centered on the close encounters everything else is simplified to the basic touch controls with the game-pad template, a health bar and a menu button.
The Mythical Ancient Tales
Viewing the stars has always been an important part of human history. Using them to tell many, many stories of mythical ancients living in the heavenly skies. The game will be set in space, allowing the player to control their characters abling to face in all directions. Design for players to become gigantic monsters or beings that would fight against each other. The players would have complete freedom of movement but of course would be restricted in the appropriate area for the players or computers to fight against each other.
The core mechanics would be the fighting and the lack of gravity in space where the players move. The Unique core is the environment in space as rocks, stars, black holes, big gathering of elements and other stuff that can be found in space be placed in the arena. The players are able to use or avoid the surrounding area to their advantage in the fight. Just like any action fighting game, last man standing wins.
This game is designed to be on mobile/tablets apps for efficient use of the touch screen technology. Just like most games this game will be split into different levels to complete increasing difficulty. The objective of the game is for the player to drag and throw a ball from one side to the other odd screen. The player only has one throw to make it to the other side. Depending on the layout of the level design the player would need to think where to throw the ball counting how it will bounce or be affected by other objects in the level.
The core mechanic of this is heavily based on physics. Targeting the audience who just love watching things works. As the game keeps the audience interested to the end is the number of other objects that can affect the ball such as a fan, water, ice, and so on.
Nano Form
The game's setting revolves around a company named Nano Form. Perfecting the use of nanobots technology they wanted to somehow show case its potential to the whole world. The outcome is a race. This race will demonstrate the ability how fast nanobots can transform into anything they want with supreme precision. From the technology they have created the company has gathered 20 pilots and prep them to drive, fly and control whatever it is they are riding. As a result each person is able to pilot any vehicle.
The first unique and core mechanic the players will notice are the ability to change their vehicle from car, to plane and submarine base on the environment of the race course. Second unique core mechanic is the customization in this game. Since nearly all parts of the vehicle is nanobots the only upgradable and customizable parts are the core control seat, power core and the appearance ranging from colour and physical layout. Thirdly the most common mechanic that targets the competitiveness is the random box giving power ups and weapons to stop the other players.
Fox's Tale
The concept of this game was inspired from the old classic arcade game Frogger. With a few more modern ideas implemented to fit in todays popular play style like Flappy Bird and Temple Runner. The game will continue endlessly till the player makes a mistake or get caught by the back of the screen which will be moving forcing the player to make quick decisions. The screens movement will be the core mechanic to make this game unique and interesting to the players
The main goal of this game is to always get a better high score. Making the games score link to the net, creating a global leader board see top scores. This score function will also be a core mechanic as it will target the players competitive nature to improve oneself and accomplish a challenge.
To make the game more challenging and unrepetitive the setting in the game world will change every single times in a set. Just like in Frogger the the frog will first cross the roads then the river in order to reach the end. Following the idea of having a slight different mechanic like watching out for the car that can crush you and watching out for the logs so you wont fall into the river. Some levels will implement different functions to keep the player checking whats forward while rushing.
As the title suggest the games main character is a fox running across in a world designed with roads, rivers, forest, caves and ice.
Unfortunate is a game design to be in VR. Inspired by the old fashioned stories and popular genres in the 90s. An example for this game's setting is the old classics of Ultraman and Godzilla. Where the player would become the hero fighting against monsters and protect the city. Or become the monsters and wreck havoc upon the city.
In both modes there will be a score points that counts the amount of destruction to the city. For being the hero the lower the score the better. If you're the evil monster then the the higher the score the better. For a relaxing freemode you can be whatever you want. Even god. When playing as god you can cause natural disasters such as earthquake, tornado, volcano eruption and floods. Freemode is suppose to be causal to have fun and watching the destruction.
Orcs Suppression
Hearing, watching, listening to all forms of stories about Orcs in fantasy genres. Where generally they are suppose to be twice as high then a man and with the strength of craze charging boar. This game would be set in a fantasy world with magic where it is connected to a modern world with science. The two worlds are connected with each other with a large ancient gate long before the gods. In the fantasy world the Orcs race are on the top of the food chain where their might rivals of an elephant stampede. With those abilities the humans in that world continuously suffer by the hands of the orcs. It takes a group of 10 soldiers in order to bring down 1 orc. As the numbers of human settlements slowly decline.
This game will focus on the battle mechanics between a modern soldier with guns against the orcs. Where the player would be playing in first person watching a 3D world. Guns are powerful weapons but would still take multiple shots to kill a raging elephant. They also have the advantage of range but in the fantasy world, it is covered in a sea of trees. Nearly all combats zones will be close quarters. The game play mechanics would be similar to most third person shooter adventure action games. The core pillars of this game would be the story and the harsh conditions that's been set for the players to fight against the orcs.
The Hidden City
This game is inspired by a novel called Tales of Demons and Gods. This game will follow a plot in the story, where human civilization is destroyed by a demon horde stampede all over the world. Barely leaving any humans left. Lucky one city escaped the stampede when the location of the city was surrounded by mountains.
I imagine this games mechanics will follow closely to cities skyline in viewing and creating a city. With the tools from cities skylines i prefer to use the create unique buildings instead of the paint tools. I believe the games usage of every little space will be critical especially at the start. So without a paint tool the players will need to place specific buildings in areas themselves. Although this may seem longer but i believe this provides more variety of designs.
The game will start with a random generated world map. The game being 3D it is easier for the player to spot around the perimeter. Also it's super aesthetically pleasing. The player would have a very small city established surrounded by stone walls you would usually see in old chinese cities. The game will introduce the player of all the important mechanics of the game to survive. First is farm production for food which also can assign to grow medical plants. Second is gold. Even the world is destroyed there still needs to be a stable trade system for the people. Third is soldiers. They are extremely important as they are used to go out scavenging for supplies in forests, ruins or other places. They are also extremely important as they protect the city from any demon attacks or stampede. They are trained through the martial sect. Lastly the most important is the Alchemist group as they act like you're scientist in improving what there can be improved.
There is no endgame to this. Just a challenging building survival game. The player's goal is to expand his city by clearing trees and rocks to fence up walls to start placing buildings. And later upgrade those walls to stone then enchantments. While expanding the player will also need to defend hordes of demons by sending them to the walls to fend them off or create a subjugation quest for them. This game will not act like an RTS where players can manually create and select units.
Shooting Star
Shooting Star would be a small like flash game that resembles the Learn How To Fly. Your basic generic launching game. Where the player would be starting as a small piece of rock which was separated of exploded from something to start the game. The goal of the game is to buy every upgrade till the small piece of rock becomes a giant asteroid that can threaten the existence of jupiter, the ending of the game. But before the end of the game there will be different checkpoints in the games long travel path where the player needs to be able to break through a rock or planet or something that would usually stop the players movement.
To keep the player interested till the end the upgrades will deal with the types of minerals the rock contains or is. Upgradable size of the rock. Starting position being exploded from a sun or from the big bang. Able to increase more objects in space which acts as power ups.
This game is based on childhood fears of the dark. Based on my experience as a kid. Switching the lights off in a big room or in a long hallway fearing for the unknown that is in the darkness.
This game will be set in a house from small to large where the objective of the game is the player will be acting as a child racing towards his bed. On the way to the bed the player must stay in the light to be safe. If the rooms are not lit then the player must find the light switch. The dark rooms will spawn nightmares that will catch the kid. Once caught the player will lose. Each level the house and distance towards the bed will get larger. The larger the house based on the difficulty the number of household items would increase. Because of the number of items the nightmares would spawn from their shadows.
This game will focus on the concepts of what dreams are. Following the theory where some dreams are reflecting on the deep emotions of the human being that are currently happening to them. For example death in the dream can symbolise the end of a phase in life and something new is beginning. Flying is a representation of being extremely happy. Friends which shows your current daily hangouts. Work being job related job. Dinosaurs symbolises about your past being dug up. Running shows you are running away from something. A chasm which illustrate a unfinished work or emptiness. And so on.
With this concept the game will have two different worlds. One where the player would be interacting with and the other world is the story of the game which is affected by the outcomes of the players actions. One world is the dream world and the other is reality.
The dream world is where the player would be, starting on a cloud in the sky. The game wil be built in 3D with the same camera controls like Minecraft. Just like Minecraft in essence the player is able to do anything. By gathering resources and start building a kingdom. Or whatever the player wants. Starting from the sky, the game will introduce the controls to the player and indicating them to jump down and land on the Earth or crash on Earth. A wide world of nature and the player has complete freedom.
After the first day the player would be taken to a scene which would say their characters real body in the real world. The unique function of this game is the actions and consequences. Such as from the beginning of the game landing or crashing will have an effect in the real worlds life. So if they landed the character will start of being happy in the day. While if they crashed they will feel depressed. With that those events will stick to the character life and will affect the events in the next day in dream land. Events can vary from meeting new people which can translate new npcs coming in. Bad and sad events can spawn monsters and important quest which needs to be resolved or else it will fester. As the game progress so will the characters life.
Although the game not be too expensive like Minecraft but the game does target for player to settle in one spot. Resources can be brought in by traders so that the player does not needlessly go collecting when other functions of the game is more important and affecting. With all that the game does follow the RPG generic leveling system and a multi story lines based on the dream world.
Release: Struggle
This is a continuation from Release: Agony being the second part of the series in this game world. Instead of being set inside a dungeon underground, Struggle is set next to the mountain where the first character was. As the mountain is a region by itself the region the player would be playing is next to it where human civilisation is thriving.
The player would play a character who is from a small village near the forest at the foot of the mountain. character s life goal is to reach the royal capital to enter the knight hood. At the start of the game the player is already on a journey to the capital as an adventurer gaining more experience. Watching vivid memories of his childhood back at his home village which explains the constant fights between monsters and humans.
The gameplay would have your usual RPG elements when leveling up your character. Although it may be restricting but the player only has 4 choices of class. Which are Titan Sword Master, Pegasus Swords Master, Elemental Sword Master and Sword Knight Master.
Once reaching the capital it would be your usual quest giving system to get more powerful. Reaching to a certain level will continue on the story. The main story is fighting against the Demon army who are on the next region. The story would not show Demon as evil creatures but just another race where kingdoms are contested against each other. In the midst of war a new threat for both parties showed up from the mountain. Controlling monsters and Machines together and wrecking havoc for both kingdoms.
An alliance was made and the wave was push back to the top of the mountain. The main character with his party would meet up with the The Alchemist professor and the last boss who happens to be the main character from Agony. Seeing the half man and half machine the main character will have a flashback to his childhood memories but clearer this time. The last boss is his childhood friend who also swore to become a knight. The machine already lost his memories and is being forced to fight by the machine parts he had consumed in the past. Hopefully this brings a shock to the players who have played the first game.
The final boss fight would have other machines like the boss but weaker. If they were to die the boss would absorb the broken down pieces to become stronger. Now the unique parts of this game is mostly to do with the customisation option on the weapons and armor. For example upgrading or changing different parts of a sword which can be made into a sword gun with different features.
Release: Agony
Release is set in a fantasy sci-fi like world. With your usual generic fantasy, elves, orcs, goblins, demons, and what not. Sci-fi elements in this game, adds on a machine race which will add on as a ancient tech or coming from superior beings in the old age. The game will be 3D overhead in third-person like Final Fantasys camera functions. In my mind the gameplay style is sort of like JRPG, but with less grind. The structure of the game will be kind of open-world like, but it is essentially a linear story playthrough.
In this game the player will be starting in a dungeon like room. Cold steel floors, walls, and big door with a red glowing exit sign above. The player's location is underground directly beneath a mountain. The pathway from the dungeon is like an open world maze. Different paths, many rooms. All have their unique events. All able to move freely back and forth to complete everything. In essence the goal is the get out of the dungeon while fending off all monsters, demons, whatever else and kill bosses to pass checkpoints.
An important mechanic in the game that might be a risky move, but it is imperative to the story. The player will instantly notice the game is really dark. Dark in story and environment. There is no light source. Although there is no light the player is still able to see clearly what's in front of the player. May not just use complete shadows but add in a darker overlay on the screen. Another thing the player would notice is that they will never ever see the face or body too clearly of their characters. All they would see is just a shadowy body outline in game and other UIs that are customising the character. All this comes with a reason which would be later revealed at the end of this pitch.
Starting in a small room with a door in front of you while the character saying where am i, who am i. You would notice the character doesn't have any memories. Once walking out the door, you would spot goblins as well they will spot you. Shooting the arrows at you and them charging. The arrow will be deflected when hitting your body hearing a tink as if metal clashed. Putting your arm up to block a smash from a goblin's club. The player would then see the left arm turn into a blade like and the game will teach the player how to slash with the arm.
Throughout the game play it will be like exploring a huge cave, with ceiling as high as buildings, cliffs around, many different paths to take, rooms and a boss room to defeat in order to move on to a higher level. Of course to keep the game interesting there are some puzzle elements that can unlock special rooms that is connected to the main story of the series as well provide special weapons, augmentation parts and armor. The player would also notice the body of the character has the ability to absorb anything that's machinery implicating the player is a robot. Specially in every boss rooms when killing the boss. The player would receive an energy orb that grants the player more power.
Other mechanics of the game is the customisation. Quite an extensive system in this game as the player can equip armour, biotic argumentations, weapons, and internal weapons. With a bit of the RPG elements in leveling up increasing vital points but all points are limited based on the power orbs the player has absorbs.
Now by the end of the game passing the last boss and coming out of the mountain. Before i spoil anything. The player would have noticed scientific labs in the caves. Factories and giant annoying overpowered robots and the most critical thing is the character's heartbeat when the player's HP is low. After stepping out the last boss room the player would enter a brightly lit laboratory. With a dark figure of a human(Alchemy professor) behind a glass window on a higher floor. The Alchemy professor would then start talking about how he has succeeded and celebrating in having a successful experimental test. The player's character would be in a state of confusion. Entering the eyes of the character the player would see fuzziness until the sight is clear. Once clear the player would able to see the character being half human and half machine. The game will end once the character says "Wait…. I'm…….."
Black Friday
Its that time of the year again. Madness. Rampage. Despair. And fear. The player will be playing as a big time manager of the super duper Maximillion store. As time draw near you start to review data, statistics and what not from last year. Soon you realise that Thanksgiving is coming. Picking up a newspaper, you would see the headline announcing 374 dead with all employees sent to the hospital for months. The store you are managing now was the one that was wreck. All your employees cower in fear and relapse into mental breakdowns. Only one man spoke. The old security guard raises up. Only a week away from retirement. Raised his voice and inspired everyone. Stealing everyone's heart to prepare for the worst like Leonidas in the last scene of 300.
The game is simple. It is designed to be on mobile and tablets as the game controls takes advantage of the touch screen. The side closes to the player will be the line of defence. Aka the cash register. While the opposite side will be the entrance of where the customers be coming in. The player would be able to place waypoints where the security guards move to creating an aura of calm decreasing the customers speed. Not only that the players are able to place a limited number of shelves across the map to control their paths. But ultimately the customers will come in multiple ways. In a way it functions like Plants vs Zombies. Objective of the game is to continuously throw objects at the customers so they will rush to the counters immediately. Game will end once the store is overwhelmed to the point where everything is damaged and the guards are trampled. Or the game will also end if the player is able to last at the end of the day. Each game will earn profits giving upgrades to parts of the store to improve survivability. End the madness. Create order. Bring peace.
daily from
Best streak: 45, Completion: 90%