Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
There's nothing more frustrating to me than being in the still awful phase of learning something. Anyways here's some practice!
Really busy today building stuff!
I made a sink and oven for my house
I still need to fix the geometry on the roof because that is a hot mess.
I decided to learn some SketchUp too! It's not all the way done yet.
I'm still in a phase where I can't tell if this is getting better or worse
Did some timed form drawings and this is the least bad of them (it bad)! Gotta start somewhere
Something went wrong with this cat for sure but a cat is cat and lovable anyways
My first entry! I'm terrible at drawing/pixeling but I'm going to get better
joined 3,003 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 9