Submissions by Kyra Moyle tagged umbrella

This is a crane arcade game that makes the player catch various falling objects from the top tray to the bottom. Depending on how many of the same items you catch in the umbrella will determine what you will win at the end of the game. You have 5 rounds of catching at least of 1 item out of the 3 that will fall. You need 3 or more of the same items to get what you are aiming for. Any less and you will have the chance at a pity prize with attempting to grab chocolate bars and landing them on a sliding tray that pushes more chocolate down a chute. The prizes that will be displayed vary from small to big. The smallest is a $50 gift voucher, the middle is a $200 voucher and the biggest prize is an Asus monitor. The size of your umbrella is 10 cm x 10 and is a deep design to ensure you can fit 3 or more. 3 is small, 4 is medium and all 5 is the best prize. Located in stores and arcades everywhere. The prizes don't vary anywhere.