Submissions by Kyra Moyle tagged nightmares

In this game the player has fallen asleep and been trapped inside a mysterious plane. As you walk through the land there are cloudy bubbles floating all around this dark space. As you walk closer to a bubble you see a moving picture, you try to wave through the bubble and your hand merges with the cloud and you feel yourself being pulled in. Once you are sucked in you realise you're in someones nightmare, theres something wrong with this and you need to find out what.

The aim of this game is to catch all of nightmares that are eating away at the minds of the dreamers. The player needs to defeat the bosses within each nightmare and collect their souls to throw into the eternal flame. If the player fails to extinguish these threats the nightmarish entities may pass through the dreaming relm into real life. Your goal is to become a dream catcher and potentially save the world. This game will be available for every platform.