Submissions by Kyra Moyle tagged meme

Play as a lowly janitor on a militia spacecraft that's heading for the sun, your job is to rise through the ranks before your spacecraft disintegrates or before the people on the ship realise where you're headed. In order to rise through the ranks you must talk to the plethora of meme page admins that are inhabiting this ship. You are to befriend the highest ranking admins in order to steal their spicie memes, but do so discretely. Your meme stealing will have high risk and if you ever have spaghetti falling out of your pockets at any given time you are not permitted to rank up and you will be ex-communicated by the admins. Each meme you steal will result in a rank up, such as janitor - general janitor - and then you advance onto the next tier such as receptionist. Once you have befriended all important admins and stolen all the valuable memes, you must report to the secret agent with your abundance of memes for your final rank up to Captain and you can fly your ship full of shit memes and admins into the sun so everyone on earth can live happily ever after and memes + meme pages become illegal.

Stay tuned for the sequel: Black Market Memes

Available only on gameboy colour

Stay tuned for a plethora of DLC (Priced higher than the game itself)