Submissions by kino.chu6434 tagged travel

This is a 2D side-scrolling adventure game.

Player will be playing a backpacker travelling around the world alone. The world is very different to the world we live in. Player will be walking through mountains/woods/desert and visiting different countries. Player can hunt/collet goods and materials in the wild and sell/exchange for daily necessities. Also player can buy/get special costume and goods from every country. Each country will have their own very unique identity (which they see is the normal). In their eyes, player is the weird one. Player can interact with almost anything that is on the screen and there will be many hidden little stories. Also player will be playing many mini-games in different countries.

Player can make friends or enemies with the citizens or anyone. There will be robbers, murderers and bad people and player can choose to fight (kill and rob them) or just run away. The key element of this game is not about battling system, but rather the experience (interact and explore the world).

After visiting all the countries (around the world), player can then choose to keep going or find a country to settle. There will be different endings depending on player's choice. There is not really a good ending or bad ending. It is just a choice of lifeJ