Submissions by Kedbreak136 tagged tuvan

For some reason I had been thinking about aborigines and the dreamtime. Dreamtime is a mythological time at the creation of the universe - a time for gods and where the reality was not the same as it is now today.

This inspired this didgeridoo and jaw harp filled track. Add some Native American flutes and Tibetan tuvan singing, some Japanese percussions and you got an international mix of trance music.

Done in FL studio, using a wide range of samples from Splice.


This track is still at the stage of "storyboard". I think the ideas are not bad for the composition but the execution is still very very raw. The concept was slowly walking into a dense jungle, both physical and metaphorical and ending up either at a cave or at a cenote where the trance takes place.

I like some elements of this track - happy to have found this Tuvan (Tibetan throat singing) sample on Splice, the flute is a cool sample too. The trance is a good idea in itself but kinda clumsily executed. It also misses an apex. The mix is raw. A track is a track is a track is a track.

I'd probably come back later to this track to scavenge it or build upon this flow and try to make something more interesting. Of course this is an obvious lie, I never go back to past tracks. :)
