Submissions by KaitlinRobinson tagged 2d

As a 2-dimensional character that slipped through the gaps into the real world, master the art of holding very still and turning on the spot to avoid detection. Slip between cracks to enter a 2d representation of the area, which may open up new paths and allow you to avoid combat. As you exist only in 2 dimensions, if your edge faces a 3d character,they can't see you. Retrieve a selection of other objects that have slipped out of your world and return them to their rightful place. Avoid detection or enter combat, utilizing your 2d characteristics to avoid blows while attacking. Rotation of the character and 3d to 2d would be important mechanics.

This screenshot shows the 2D characters interacting in the 3D environment. Image courtesy of Noticia's Anime United.sourced from, Image courtesy of Noticia's Anime United.