Under the sea, things are not as we know it.
The ruler of the sea is a ruthless and also incredibly overweight crab king. his loyal subjects cannot grow as big as him so he has taken command and demands all of the tiny crabs to fetch him food by stealing and destroying other underwater species.
king crabs feast plays similar to RTS games such as starcraft and Dota, using your tiny crab army you must run around pillaging all the other sea creatures food and eliminating resistance.
you can have 3 different units of crabs such as:
-worker crabs
used to gather food and carry it back to the crab city, lacking in the attack department so you will need to bring along some attack units to prevent the tiny worker crabs from being killed.
-scout crabs
move the fastest out of all the crabs, have medium levels of fighting prowess, used to find food and scout out enemies
crabs with HUGE claws used to nip at anything and everything, used as the main damage dealing units.
you will be able to unlock more units as you satisfy the kings unnatural desire to eat.