Submissions by jarlin.bar6879 tagged sensorcery

In this simple, browser-based multi-player game, you play a guessing-type game where one player is assigned a noun and they must provide one word for the five-senses that gives hints that associate with this 'thing'. All players have limited time with trying to guess what the noun is and if the player is correct, points will be scored depending on how fast it was to guess correctly. The player assigned with giving the words for the noun will have to select a main sense out of the five which they can then provide a short one-sentence of information for that sense without giving away the actual name of what it is. There will be a fair-number of rounds provided in each game to ensure that each player has an equal chance to win. For example, there are three players and six rounds meaning that there are two "turns" of giving descriptions, per player. When you are the player that is providing the descriptions of the noun via senses and words, you gain one point for every person that guesses your noun correctly meaning that the better the information that you provide, the more points you will get also. The player at the end of the game with the most points, wins.

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