Submissions by jarlin.bar6879 tagged rhyming-the-timing

A professional rapper is having a writer's block with rhyming some words in his song. You must help him by typing in words for a full song in certain areas that require the rhyme to be entered. You will get higher points for the complexity and relevance of the word and meaning in the song and the sentence. If you do not enter a word that rhymes or a word that does not flow with the song's beat, you will lose points. After the player has entered in all the desired words that they could think of, the rapper will 'rap' the song using a text-to-speech custom converter. Throughout the rap, the player will be presented with the lyrics on screen showing their words 'in-action' and gaining points throughout the song. If the player successfully gets over a certain ratio of points depending on the song, the rapper will hire them to help them with their next song. The points that the player earns can be used to purchase helpful 'rhymes' for different words that may be too difficult for the player.

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