Submissions by jarlin.bar6879 tagged giraffe-ball

In this multiplayer game called "Giraffe Ball", you play on a field which resembles a basketball court as a giraffe. You control the leg-movements of your giraffe with standard keys such as W, A, S, D (on PC) and you control the movement of the giraffe's head with other standard "look-around" controls such as the mouse (on PC). A controller can be used to play this game also. The game can be toggled between first person and third person view and the size of the playing field is appropriate enough to allow for the players to run around and bash their heads fairly freely without hitting each other. You can use your giraffe's head to 'bash' into another players giraffe which will cause them to stumble and can be used as a tactic to stop another player from hitting the ball. You play in teams of up to 5 players each and can have different types of sports games such as soccer or hockey. To associate the different teams of players the giraffes wear a sports-styled jersey of their team colour (either red or blue). The team that has the most points after the time is up, wins. If there is a tie when the timer is up, a tie-breaker will occur meaning that which ever team scores first, wins.

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