Submissions by jackwilson tagged park

'Bumper paddleboarding' is a multiplayer arcade/action game played in VR in which the player is inside an amusement park grounds including a shallow wavy pool about the size of a traditional bumper car 'arena'. The player controls a paddleboard on the water, a surfboard-sized board that is stood on and propelled by a single-ended paddle.

An additional Wii-fit style board is required, which tracks the player's balance within the game. The player's goal is to bump as many other players as possible within a time period, each bump yielding 10 points. If the player hits them hard enough, it is near impossible for them to keep their balance, and may fall off their board, yielding 50 points.

While the player is trying to bump other players, there are waves which can cause the player to lose balance - occasionally particular big ones which are preceded by a siren sound.

Each round lasts 2-3 minutes, and upon completion players are shown a scoreboard which shows a total of each player's score earned.

Image retrieved 25/08/2016 from