Submissions by ianmoh tagged typing

This is a typing word game, which played in a time trial challenge style, is designed to improve a player's touch-typing ability (typing without looking down at the keyboard). It is played on mobile tablets using the touch screen keyboard, which is modified to provide the core mechanism, which drives the challenge of this game.

As a player progresses, key labels on the touch keyboard, are temporarily blacked out, covered, or swapped around. This is done in a frequency relative to the difficulty level, starting with minor changes such as blacking out only a few, to a completely obfuscation of every letter. The purpose is to display the shape of the keyboard, but encourage the player to commit key locations to memory.

The time trial element is used as a catalyst in support of this, putting the player under pressure to increase typing speed. Players start from a countdown timer of 60 seconds where they are prompted to correctly type the words that get displayed using a keyboard displayed on screen (resembling the common keyboard interface on mobile devices). Players must do this without deleting or back tracing. Every word typed out successfully awards them a point for every letter and a time extension, and mistakes penalize you with a reduction in time.

Feedback is given to the player in sound, text, and effects. As well as the score, players also see a real-time calculation of their current progress' words per-minute. An increasing bonus multiplier rewards points for successful words achieved. A fast-paced sound score re-enforces the pressure of the time constraint.

Platform: Mobile devices for Android and iOS.
Target Audience: Teenagers 13 years up to adults.

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