Submissions by ianmoh tagged funny

A VR game for HTC Vive where you score as many high fives as possible from a crowd of people, and using body language to discern and avoid any 'awkward' moments.

You play as a somebody in a crowd of people. Something has just happened – we aren't entirely sure, but at the furore from the crowd being the signal, using the Vive controls and moving around to identify high-five targets, you have until the crowd energy dies down to collect as many high fives as possible.

Here's the catch – obviously something ridiculously awesome has occurred, which also means cameras and paparazzi are abundant, and in this day and age, one bad move could go from social celebration, to a meme that will haunt you as long as the internet remembers.

For instance, this guy...

Or Miss Popular here:

Not even money and talent could save you:

You are scored on how well each high five connects – imagine an arrow hitting a bullseye, except both and hands flying together. A great connection leaves you with a good score out of 100, and a satisfying 'pop'. The game ends as soon as the crowd dies down, or as soon as you fail, and your cumulative score given to you.Like in real life, there isn't always a clear distinction of when five hive time concludes, so it is up to you to decide how close you want to risk it for points.

But being too enthusiastic, may turn you into this guy:

Platform: HTC Vive for PC/ Windows
Target Audience: Ages 16 and older

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