A VR game for HTC Vive where you score as many high fives as possible from a crowd of people, and using body language to discern and avoid any 'awkward' moments.
You play as a somebody in a crowd of people. Something has just happened – we aren't entirely sure, but at the furore from the crowd being the signal, using the Vive controls and moving around to identify high-five targets, you have until the crowd energy dies down to collect as many high fives as possible.
Here's the catch – obviously something ridiculously awesome has occurred, which also means cameras and paparazzi are abundant, and in this day and age, one bad move could go from social celebration, to a meme that will haunt you as long as the internet remembers.
For instance, this guy...
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Not even money and talent could save you:
But being too enthusiastic, may turn you into this guy:
Platform: HTC Vive for PC/ Windows
Target Audience: Ages 16 and older
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