Submissions by hayden.jon6905 tagged dungeon-master


Taking the idea of two friends that want to throw down; I propose a dungeon master multiplayer game mode.

One player will take control of the hero and the other player takes the role of dungeon master.

The dungeon master will have all kinds of blocks, obstacles and mobs at their disposal, and will drop/throw anything they want at the hero. They will drag and drop items and monsters into the level real time as well as building/destroying the level as they see fit – the hero will have to deal with the chaos that the dungeon master creates.

Some restrictions so that the dungeon master can't just drop an explosive onto the player; will be a "bubble of protection" around the player.


-There will be a time trial survival mode where hero's goal is just to survive the chaos and set the longest time on a local leader board.

-There will also be a mode where the hero plays through the set levels with a goal to get to the other side of the map (2D side-scroller) the dungeon master raining their chaos onto the hero and their surroundings, setting up traps an blockades.


-The hero will have a default 2D side-scroller view.

-The dungeon master will see the hero's view, with the addition of the object/mob menus as borders and the "bubble of protection" displayed as an opaque circle around the player.

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