Submissions by FourbitFriday tagged music

2017 music goals:

  1. get better at endings.
  2. get better at the middle parts too.
  3. also get better at beginnings.
  4. really just probably figure out anything at all.
  5. but really I'm awful at ending things.

That being said I'm pretty happy with how fast I plopped this out.

Finally did a thing and remembered this music streak. Never have these two events coincided.

Life is terrifying,
when it's going well.
I hope it lasts for a while.

Life is --
Well I guess it's fine.
I hope it lasts for a while.

Life is --
Come on, let's find out.
Not like we've got a choice.
I hope it lasts for a while.

Life is terrifying,
when it's going well.

Life is terrifying,
when it's going well.
I hope it lasts.