Submissions by elredeano.olofai tagged mmo

My idea is a take on the MMORPG genre and how it deals with players selecting different classes that have a range of abilities. I want to change this and instead have players create their character and then begin their adventure by selecting a starter weapon (which can be swapped out through your journey!)

The idea is that the your play-style affects the stats and abilities you gain which will be given out by the game itself. For example you could be extremely bad at dodging skillshots so you would get stats that would help you face tank enemy attacks, or gain a steroid that increases your resistance for a given time.

I thought that this would be pretty cool because itd make the games universe all the more unique by giving players their own flavor, instead of seeing re skinned duplicates of ones self due to the limited classes available.

Whether you choose to evade enemy attacks for dodge chance or master an array of weapons that can let you duel wield a staff and war hammer is completely within the players will to do so.

Ideas sprung from concert art for "The Blacksmith" :