Submissions by Doyoungkim tagged doyoungkim

General idea of the game.

It's a life simulation games. That the player becomes the character. Till nowadays, all the player needed to do was just pick a set character with fixed status. And improve by playing a lot or completing a quest. This game, all players will set a test or tests, to determine the player's character status. The status can be formed with Courage, Diligence, Understanding, Expression, and Knowledge. Or Rational, Practical, Relational, and Experimental.

The status will have a big impact on the game balance, which mean people with better status will be able to perform more or better results compared to who are not.

Goal of the game.

I want a game that, casual players and hardcore players can enjoy the game at similar level. The downside of this can be if the hardcore player cannot score high then they might lose the interests. So the solution of this, can be the answers or the hints of the test can be hidden inside the game. So that the players can gain the answers by playing a lot and score higher points.